Deaf news: Which? launch hearing aid guide with Action on Hearing Loss

Posted on August 6, 2013 by

Which?Action on Hearing Loss has joined forces with consumer champion Which? to launch a comprehensive guide to hearing aids. This will give deaf hearing aid users the help they need to ensure they get the hearing aid that is right for them.

How to get the best hearing aid provides in-depth advice for anyone who is unsure about the steps they need to take in order to improve their hearing. The advice covers everything from getting a hearing assessment from an Audiologist, to choosing a hearing aid and what they should do if there are any problems once it has been fitted.

Action on Hearing Loss Senior Audiologist Gemma Twitchen says: “It’s fantastic to work in partnership with Which? to help around four million people in the UK who could benefit from hearing aids but have not tried them, making it clear the options that they have available to them. The guide also assists people who have tried hearing aids to get the best from them as it takes time to adapt to using them – getting used to new sounds as well as managing the aids themselves.

“Having hearing aids that work and are comfortable makes a big difference to the everyday lives of people with a hearing loss. Whether someone decides to obtain hearing aids for free on the NHS or buy privately, the audiologist will ensure your hearing and needs are fully assessed before helping you find the hearing aid that’s right for you.”

Jenni Allen, Head of Public Services at Which? said: “We’re delighted to partner with Action on Hearing Loss to create this guide. Many people have contacted us because they struggle to know where to go and who to trust when they find they need hearing aids. The new guide will give clear information and advice to help people ask the right questions, and help them feel empowered to make an informed choice – whether they get their aids privately or from the NHS.”

To access the guide visit –

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