Day 51 2/8
Its the day of eviction and although Sam is not up this week, Callum is, which will have a profound effect on Sam in terms of friendship and communication support. Callum tells Sam prior to the eviction that he should stand up for himself should the need arise especially where Dexter is concerned.
Sadly, Callum is evicted later that night and Sam is left feeling alone. Sam tells Big Brother in the diary room that he feels like the turkey on Christmas eve. He feels gutted as Callum was his best mate in the house and was very supportive and a good listener.
Later Sam talks to Hazel, Charlie, Jack and Joe about Callum. When Charlie chats about Callum being seen as a womaniser, Sam defends him saying he cannot understand why anyone would not trust Callum 100%.
Day 52 3/8
The day after the eviction of Callum from the Big Brother house. Sam admits to Big Brother he is feeling down because of Callum leaving, but that he is going to do his best to get involved.
Today for entertainment, Big Brother chooses Dexter to become a Magician that reads minds. He performs tricks with the housemates and converts their shoes into luxury goods. Big Brother then chooses Sam to help Dexter with a disappearing trick and sits in the chair. He disappears and sparks off a debate about whether Dexter has unwittingly evicted Sam. Sam in fact disappears into a secret room where he is given access to a live feed and is able to watch and listen to the housemates.
Sam listens to some of the housemates and Sophie talking about how they don’t connect and that is why they always nominate each other. She thinks he should man up and tell her why he has a problem with her. Jack doesn’t think Sam has been evicted, and if he has he didn’t deserve to go.
Sam then listens to a conversation between Dexter and Gina. Dexter said that if Sam has gone, then fair play and he would probably get a consolation prize. He was a nice guy who spent half his time sleeping. He has done a lot of good for people with disabilities. He has no friends left now Callum has gone, but Gina remarked that she is his friend. Dexter said Sam wasn’t going to be happy without Callum anyway. Sam isn’t happy at this as he feels that he is trying hard to cope without Callum being there.
Later Sam re-enters the house and he then confronts Dexter about the conversation he heard. Dexter tries to justify his comments but they end up agreeing to disagree and move on.
Day 53 4/8
Throughout the day thoughts turn to the forthcoming nominations. Sophie and Sam still feel they do not connect with each other. Sam is frustrated at Sophie as he feels she doesn’t make an effort to talk to him or help him understand.
The nominations were held in the live segment of the highlights show, and in a twist were done by a family member or friend of each housemate. Sam was represented by his Mother who chose to nominate Dexter and Sophie. Her reasons were that she felt neither were communicating with Sam. Sam received only one nomination, from Sophies Nan who felt he was so boring it was like watching paint dry and he has it in for Sophie. Sam was very amused at this comment!
Despite the nomination, Sam isn’t up for eviction and is now safe going into the final week. He could win it.
The Limping Chicken’s Big Brother correspondent is Michelle Hedley. Michelle is a Geordie originally from Tyneside, now living just inside the border of Northumberland. She loves discovering music and also has a love of the theatre, especially musicals. She’s a fan of science-fiction, watches anything on TV that is subtitled, and is now reliving her childhood renting DVDs! She is also a geocacher, and is on Twitter as @Shelle02
The Limping Chicken is supported by a range of charities and organisations linked to deafness, all of whom offer services that enhance deaf lives. Click on the images on the right-hand side of this site or go to our Supporters page to find out all about them!
Hilton Coulson
August 18, 2013
I wanted Sam to wins final monday night and i am akso deaf/hard of hearing person.That is why i support sam on the way and he a good guy and young as 23 year of age got a long way to help others with his friend and mates doing deaf football tearm as well help others. i do like him as a brother to me to understanding each other if we did that as a family together or even as a friend. Let hope he wins and make him happy as ever as well spend 100.000 pounds he would have a good life having a new girlfriend or best mate .