Day 63 14/8
After completing their weekly shopping task, the next eviction twist was revealed to the housemates. Sophie and Gina were excluded as they were not nominated. Big Brother informed the remaining housemates that one of them was facing eviction on Friday. But Big Brother didn’t want to wait until then, but instead see one of the housemates leave tonight. Big Brother posed the question “what is the lowest amount of money that they would be willing to accept in exchange to leave the house?” The money would be paid in cash from the prize fund.
Sam was first to enter the diary room and informed him that he should go into the prize chamber, select an amount and place it in his briefcase. Sam said out loud that he did not want to leave and thus he picked the highest amount (£100,000) in order that the others HAD to pick a lower number and leave instead. None of the housemates wanted to leave and there was much debate to themselves about how low to go.
Jack and Joe chose £96,850 and Charlie chose £99,000. This left Dexter who chose £88,800 which meant he chose the lowest amount of money. However, Dexter would NOT be receiving the money nor leaving the house. It was a LIE! And thus Dexter was instead awarded with immunity into the final on Monday. But that reward came with a price. He had to choose either Gina or Sophie to take his place and be up for eviction on Friday. He chose Sophie and so the voting lines opened for the public to vote for Charlie, Jack and Joe, Sophie and Sam to be evicted just three days before the Final.
Afterwards Sam told Dexter he felt that he was playing a game and that he saw through his moves. Like Callum he did not like the way Dexter manipulated the other housemates and the tasks.
Day 64 15/8
Its the aftermath of the twist after lie after twist the previous night which resulted in Dexter being “saved” and Sophie taking his place up for eviction. Sam told Big Brother he didn’t want to talk to Dexter and that he would keep out of his way. Sam felt that Dexter continuously lied in his nominations, lied to his housemates and that he couldn’t be trusted.
On a lighter note Sam shared another of his jokes – I bought myself a self help tape, it was called How to handle disappointment. When I opened it, it was empty ….
It was time for the live segment of the show in which it was first revealed who had received the least votes and thus was through to the final – and this was Jack and Joe. The public voting lines were then re-opened temporarily for the three remaining housemates Sam, Sophie and Charlie. It was then time for it to be revealed who was to be the eighth housemate to be evicted and that was Sophie much to the shock of the others. This means that Sam has made it to the final five of Big Brother series 14.
Lines are open for Sam to win now ..
The Limping Chicken’s Big Brother correspondent is Michelle Hedley. Michelle is a Geordie originally from Tyneside, now living just inside the border of Northumberland. She loves discovering music and also has a love of the theatre, especially musicals. She’s a fan of science-fiction, watches anything on TV that is subtitled, and is now reliving her childhood renting DVDs! She is also a geocacher, and is on Twitter as @Shelle02
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Posted on August 17, 2013 by Editor