Today we present a Limping Chicken first – an article available in BSL as well as English, specially translated into BSL for us by Signworld, the BSL learning resources website – who are also one of our supporters!
We thought the most appropriate article to get us started was Andy Palmer’s ’10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Sign Language‘ which has just gone online!
We hope you enjoy the article whether you’re watching it in BSL or reading it in English – or even a bit of both!
We are delighted to say that from now on, Signworld will be translating one of our articles into BSL every month. We’d like to know what you think would be the best way to do this:
- Should we just pick a forthcoming article that we feel is of high interest to BSL users and translate that?
- Should we make it retrospective and ask you to nominate an article for translation, then pick the one that gets the most requests?
- Or what?
Tell us what you think in the comments below!
We at LC are clucking and flapping our little wings with excitement at the prospect of making more of our great journalism accessible in BSL. We hope you are too, and look forward to your suggestions!
Andy. Not him, me.
September 13, 2013
What makes me laugh is when people come up, look at the hearing aids and go “Are you London? My son/daughter is London too. I know quite a lot about London people.”
Thinks: Well in that case you should know that the sign for Deaf people is NOT LONDON!
But I have to point out that after more than a decade of campaigning, the BSL campaign hasn’t actually gone anywhere. Other attempts have been made to establish online BSL oriented facilities but somehow it has never caught on. I do feel there is an element of continuing to unnecessarily flagellate deceased equines.
Although there is quite a high level of interest from hearing people it is mainly from a curiosity point of view, not from people who seriously want to learn. Once they find out that it takes time and effort to learn >just like any other language< then their interest drops to zero.
Either we are doing it wrong, or they are not as interested as we think they are.
September 13, 2013
Reblogged this on Maxi Aids .
September 13, 2013
Very helpful article! Check back to our blog for news and products relating to individuals that are hard of hearing or visually impaired