Stephen Lloyd: An open letter to those who manufacture lugware (hearing aids!)

Posted on September 24, 2013 by

After many years of using induction loops  I decided – on the advice of a few friends – to go for direct input headphones so I could listen to music to my level of pleasure, so I spent some cash and bought a pair of shoes for the aids I had, Oticon Zests.

After many attempts, I couldn’t get the things to work, so I made an appointment at the audiologists and explained my frustrations. After a few minutes of twiddling, I was told that the model of aids I had didn’t have the capability for direct input.

So with a whinge and a look of lost hope I was offered an upgrade and got new aids (Oticon Zest Plus).

So far, I am very pleased with the features – they communicate with each other via FM – and NOW I can use the direct input shoes!

I admit they cost a lot, but for the pleasure of enjoying music, they were well worth it. Also with this technology, if I choose to can access the telephone and television too…but it entails further cost. Which doesn’t make sense to me.

So here’s an open letter to those who manufacture our lugware..

Dear makers of hearing aids,

We know that technology is advancing all the time, and the innovation with aids is moving forward along with progress.

Maybe the possibility of us deafies listening to music is a mere afterthought. As its a well known fact that deafies don’t listen to music, isn’t it? Or so you might think…

We also watch TV, and some of us use the telephone, too.

With wisdom and thought, wouldn’t it be right that when you issue hearing aids, you should find the box contains all of the attachments required?

Yours sincerely,


If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy Stephen’s previous article for us: Do you get ‘itchy lug’ syndrome?

Stephen Lloyd (aka @sirgarg) lives in Cheshire and works as a support worker with Adults with Learning disabilities, part time deaf philosopher and deaf “jedi” tweeter. 

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