Deaf News: RAD announce that a number of Deaf centres will close in London and South East

Posted on October 14, 2013 by

The Royal Association for Deaf People has announced that a number of buildings which are currently used as Deaf centres will close, for financial reasons.

The charity’s press release (you can also see it in BSL here) says:

Like every home and business, the current economic climate is proving to be difficult for RAD.  With more cuts in funding, and changes in how services are organised, RAD (like all charities) is finding it harder to do its work.

In these tough economic times, it is important that the Board of Trustees does all it can to ensure that RAD continues to focus on the most needy Deaf people, and to use our money wisely.

We saw that one area where we were losing money was on our buildings. Most of them are in a poor state of repair, and we have been spending a lot of money on repairing them. To bring them up to 21st Century standards we would have to spend even more – money that we do not have. Most of the buildings are not used enough. We know how important they have been to local Deaf clubs, and that for so many older Deaf people, they are full of fond memories.

The RAD Board has taken the difficult decision that, in order to save money and develop new services, especially for older Deaf people, RAD needs to sell some of its buildings.

RAD staff will be contacting the affected Deaf clubs, to meet them to tell them of our decision. RAD will continue to support the clubs, and will be working with their committees to find alternative places for them to meet.

Details about which buildings are to be sold will be released as soon as everyone affected has been told.

The first building that it has been announced will be sold is Gillingham, although the charity have pledged to help find a new place for Deaf people to meet.

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Posted in: deaf news