Deaf News: Man convicted of keeping 10-year-old deaf girl in cellar and repeatedly raping her

Posted on October 17, 2013 by

A man from Salford has been convicted of repeatedly raping a ten-year-old deaf Pakistani girl that he illegally trafficked into the UK and kept in his cellar, many news sources report today.

Ilyas AsharIlyas Ashar, 84, kept the girl who is now in her 20’s, in a cold-damp cellar, raped and beat her and used her as a virtual slave over the course of many years. Deaf and unable to speak, the girl only revealed her ordeal after she had been taught sign language following her accidental discovery by trading standards officers who were investigating other illegal activity.

Ilyas and his wife Tallat also stole £30,000 in benefits using the girl’s name and set-up multiple bank accounts. Ashar and his Daughter were convicted at a previous trial for illegal trafficking and benefit fraud.

The Judge has told Ashar to expect a lengthy prison sentence. The evidence in the case was so harrowing, the jury was given a ten-year break from jury service. Two jurors reportedly wept as the verdict was read out.

In the only positive news to come from the case, Salford divisional commander Chief Superintendent Mary Doyle said: “This was a dreadful case where the girl endured years of domestic exploitation at the hands of the Ashar family. They have exploited her disability and made it appear to the authorities that she was responsible for their own fraudulent behaviour. She was essentially kept in domestic servitude.

“What is remarkable – and the most important aspect of this unusual case – is that the victim has emerged a confident, well-adjusted and determined young woman.”

Read the Independent’s coverage for the full story.

By Andy Palmer, Deputy Editor (@LC_AndyP)

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