The blurb below this fantastic video says:
Deaf children have a right to a quality education, like all other children, in a language and environment that maximizes their potential. In this video, in conjunction with a global conference in Sydney on equality for deaf people, Human Rights Watch shows some of the challenges faced by deaf children and young people, and the opportunities sign language education offers them.
Watch it now.
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October 27, 2013
cute cute deaf kenyian kids learning thru sign language
January 22, 2014
This is so beautiful.
I love to hear any stories about kids in education. There was a comment by one of the speakers explaining that it doesn’t matter whether you are deaf or hearing, you are entitled to an education. If we compare how our deaf friends/families were brought up in school whether it be boarding or not, we have come a very long way in terms of providing education to deaf students.
We still have a long way until all deaf students are getting the right treatment but clips like the above shows that it doesn’t matter where you are, you should be getting it. This is wonderful =)