Deaf News: Bexley Mayor congratulates first Level 4 Communication Support Workers in the UK

Posted on October 23, 2013 by

There was a proud moment for a group of Communication Support Workers and for Deaf Umbrella (one of this site’s supporters) when the Bexley Mayor visited their offices last week to congratulate the first Level 4 CSW’s in the UK.

Rachel Hubbard, from Deaf Umbrella, told us: “With individual student needs it is important that support workers have skills and strategies to ensure assessment needs are met, they provide a cohesive link with other professionals and support the development and knowledge of class teachers to enable teaching in a deaf friendly way.”

She adds: “The Secretary of State for Education Rt Hon Michael Gove MP said: “The quality of teachers has a greater influence on children’s achievement than any other aspect of their education.” We agree, the quality of support offered to deaf students should be of the highest standards to help create independent and confident individuals who are able to access their education fully.”

Deaf Umbrella have welcomed the next cohort of students onto their Level 4 CSW training, which is credit rated by the University of Greenwich at 60 credits. They also plan on adding an new induction date in January due to demand.

Anyone interested in the course should visit

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