Here is the See Hear report (fully subtitled) on their presenter Memnos Costi’s appearance on BBC1’s long-running medical drama, Holby City, along with his talented daughter.
The episode Memnos stars in airs on 12th November, but thanks to the See Hear team, we’ve been able to share this sneak preview…
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November 5, 2013
Lovely story! I don’t normally watch Holby City but I’m definitely going to watch it on the 12th to watch Memnos and Kachina. Had a little laugh though when the guy at the beginning of the clip described Memnos as ‘non-hearing’ rather than Deaf…
On a serious note – good publicity for the need for interpreters in hospitals for deaf patients rather than relying on their (underage) relatives…
Linda Richards
November 7, 2013
Can’t wait to watch Memnos and Kachina! It’s in my diary! Agree with Jill, some of the terms used by the ‘non-Deaf’ producer were a little off. But then, I know of one Deaf person who delivered training and wrote articles using this term so it’s kind of expected although unhelpful in my view as it’s much more than not being hearing. (Like “I’m a Vauxhall car owner and s/he is a non-Vauxhall car owner. Er, it’s much more than that). Lmr