US Deaf News: Student who won hearing aids in a raffle has them stolen at gunpoint

Posted on November 7, 2013 by

Deaf Florida student Elizabeth Melaugh was lucky enough to win her $5000 hearing aids in a raffle earlier this year, but she has now lost them after being robbed (of just $3) at gunpoint, with the thieves making off with her purse, which had the hearing aids inside.


Melaugh won her $5,000 hearing aids in a raffle earlier this year. They replaced her old, outdated hearing aid, which was all she could afford after several expensive surgeries.

She had just started school and was walking home down Renault Drive near 103rd St. and Ricker Rd. from her first day on the job on October 25 when a car with three men in it pulled up next to her and one of them jumped out.

“He just pointed the gun in my face, grabbed my purse off my shoulder, ran back in the car and then they backed off so I couldn’t see the license plate. The most vivid image in my mind is me staring down the barrel of that gun.”

The thieves got away with just $3 and her student ID, which was later recovered at a nearby bank, but more valuable than anything were her hearing aids, which were also inside the purse.

“My hearing aids are very expensive, but they are of no value to anyone else. They’re priceless to me and I need to get those returned.”

Hours after the robbery, Melaugh drew a sketch of the man who robbed her and has been posting it in storefront windows across the Westside.

“Eventually, you’re going to get caught,” she says.

Read more here:

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