For a number of years, at various colleges across Britain, there were discrete classes in Literacy and Numeracy which Deaf people could attend to learn the vital basic skills necessary to participate in wider society.
Often, hearing tutors would take the classes; they would use communication support workers or Level 3 BSL to communicate and teach.
Granted, there are some wonderful hearing tutors, but many Deaf students struggled due to inadequate communication support or the tutor’s poor BSL signing.
To date, the number of discrete classes at mainstream colleges has declined. Instead, Deaf students are placed in mainstream classes with communication support.
Despite the best endeavours of the literacy tutors, Deaf students have floundered.
However the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) can provide the solution. On its home page, the WEA places emphasis on: “A better world – equal, democratic and just; through adult education the WEA challenges and inspires individuals, communities and society.”
And the Deaf community is one example.
I am Deaf and a BSL user. I joined the WEA two years ago and began teaching Deaf Literacy to Deaf people in Sheffield.
To date, I have found the WEA very supportive and enthusiastic in setting up Deaf classes – I now teach six classes in Literacy, Numeracy and IT at Sheffield, Doncaster and Rotherham.
My regional organiser has this to say in his annual report: “Clearly the value of working with this Deaf community was without question, given the WEA’s ethos and values.”
The WEA do not only cover Literacy, Numeracy and IT but also run a variety of courses – be it pottery, art, family history and gardening amongst many others.
The WEA is concerned that very few Deaf people enrol for these courses. To this effect, WEA has collaborated with the Sheffield Deaf Sports & Social Club to train Deaf people to become Deaf Support Workers.
Once trained, the Deaf support worker should be competent and able to support Deaf learners taking WEA courses.
The Deaf learners being supported would normally have minimal language skills, i.e. not having Level 1 Literacy or maybe not having Entry level 3. This course is completely revolutionary and would be the first of its kind in UK.
Some of you might notice the terminology – Deaf Literacy – being used here in this blog; Deaf Literacy is literacy with a difference.
The Deaf students are not only learning English, but also BSL, because in many cases, they have not had formal BSL language development while at school.
They would need to distinguish the grammar structure and framework between BSL and English. This bilingual approach meant a different set of language tools.
For written English, the tools are pen and paper and Word for the PC. The Deaf students can learn to write letters and send emails to make complaints, comments, requests and compliments. Written work can be easily collected and stored into folders.
For BSL, pocket camcorders, computers and memory sticks are the literacy tools, with the necessary IT skills in video technology in connection with the internet. This is necessary to enable the students to see their BSL signing and critically assess themselves the same way as people do with their written work.
Finally, they will use the tools to create BSL videos to send comments, complaints, compliments and requests to public authorities and service providers.
It is then reasonable for them to expect replies back in BSL. With bilingualism and the Deaf Literacy class, the Deaf students can become more active citizens in the wider hearing society.
What’s interesting is that, in the Deaf Literacy class, the Deaf students have not found it easy to film themselves signing BSL – for some of them, they forget what to sign or freeze!
Still, it is important for them to learn to how to present themselves on film. Not only this, they need to learn how to use a camcorder and a computer to film, edit and email their videos to people.
It has been an interesting learning curve for the students and one end result is the below class video. As you will see, it’s a video with a difference.
If the WEA is able to set up 6 classes in South Yorkshire, there is no reason why Deaf classes can’t be set up elsewhere for Deaf people. Yoga classes? Art classes? Family History? And all taught by Deaf tutors! After all, the WEA runs over 9,500 courses in England and Wales.
For further information on WEA Deaf classes, please visit: http://yh.wea.org.uk/News/Deaf-Literacy-Class-in-Sheffield.aspx
Steve is Deaf, married to Trishy and has four hearing children. He has been involved in Further Education for 25 years and sells BSL/English books (www.deafeducate.co.uk). He used to be a programmer and at the moment is working on online Deaf Literacy. He sees bilingualism as a vital gateway for Deaf people to participate in the wider society. Steve is passionate on rugby and can be seen to support Doncaster Knights on home matches.
Check out what our supporters provide: Phonak: innovative technology and products in hearing acoustics. Deaf Umbrella: sign language interpreting and communications support. 121 Captions: captioning and speech-to-text services. Signworld: online BSL learning and teaching materials. STAGETEXT: theatre captioning. Ai-Live: Live captions and transcripts. Krazy Kat: visual theatre with BSL. SignHealth: healthcare support for Deaf people. Deafinitely Theatre: theatre from a Deaf perspective.Lipspeaker UK: specialist lipspeaking support. SDHH: Deaf television programmes online. Sign Solutions:, language and learning. Lexicon Signstream: BSL interpreting and communication services. Action Deafness Communications: sign language and Red Dot online video interpreting. Hamilton Lodge School in Brighton: education for Deaf children. RAD Deaf Law Centre: and legal advice for Deaf people.
November 20, 2013
I do support educational class for Deaf adults in need but this clip does not show anything link to WEA class only deaf people coming in and annoncing their names and nothing else which is pointless for viewers
Steve Gibson (@Gibson_Steve)
November 21, 2013
Hi Lana,
The blog is not about the video clip. It’s about the WEA setting an initiative in running discrete classes for Deaf Adults in Deaf Literacy, Numeracy and IT in South Yorkshire.
The video clip was a piece of work the Deaf adults in the Sheffield Deaf Literacy class did and for all of them it was their first experience in producing a video. From my observations, they have found presenting themsleves hard and the experience will only do them good. Further, introducing themselves and prompting others at different locations round the building the Deaf way is pretty unique. People have commented favourably. I am sorry you don’t see this way.
As for further information on the WEA classes, a link has been provided towards the end of the blog.
Steve G.
November 21, 2013
Bilingualism – the perfect rebuttal of the old ‘false dichotomy’ of ‘oral or sign?’
Good work, Steve.
November 21, 2013
Hi Steve, thanks for explaining.. I admit that I did not notice the link. If I did, I would not have posted my comment. Yes, it is nice for them to learn how to produce a video with computer. I am sure they will want to make more soon!! All my good wishes, Lana
March 19, 2014
Steve, I came across this whilst searching for information – I am an adult literacy tutor in community education and have recently welcomed a deaf student into one of my classes. He is accompanied by a supporter who translates BSL/spoken English. It is a steep learning curve for me, as I don’t sign and have had to quickly try to grasp the differences in grammar etc. in order to pinpoint how best to help my student. I have approached the managers with the suggestion of looking into setting up ‘Deaf Literacy’ classes as there appears to be no provision locally, but would be interested in your view regarding teachers who do not sign (but very willing to learn) delivering courses for deaf students. I have a PGCE and level 5 in Adult Literacy and have experience in teaching both literacy and ESOL. Any advice gratefully received!