Seven deaf organisations and groups representing the deaf community (the D7) are meeting in London today to plot the next steps for Sir Malcolm Bruce MP’s Communication Support Bill.
The Bill didn’t progress beyond its second reading last month because it ran out of time for debate.
Today, the leading groups from the deaf world involved in drafting the Bill will be discussing how to maintain the levels of momentum and co-operation that have been achieved in recent months and how to convince the government that action is needed to support the communication rights of deaf people.
Some success has been achieved in this aim recently with the Minister for Disabled People, Mike Penning, revealing in a written answer to a question from an MP that he will be reviewing support for deaf people across government services – although nothing has been formally announced.
Those attending the meeting today at Portcullis House in Westminster include the charities Action on Hearing Loss and the BDA, education group DEXperience and Facebook-based campaign groups including ‘Spit the Dummy’. Sense are also there representing deaf-blind people.
Sir Malcolm Bruce will not be in attendance because he is in Burma as part of his role as the Chairman of the International Development Committee.
November 25, 2013
Where’s Pardon?
November 25, 2013
They’re at the meeting too, we understand – Ed
November 25, 2013
I mean in the article! Why have they been omitted from the article?
November 25, 2013
No reason, we didn’t list every group there (we don’t always list every single person or group attending something) which is quite normal. As stated in the earlier comments, they were also there, and we have since heard that the meeting went well. Charlie (Ed)
November 25, 2013
I believe 2 members from Pardon? were at this meeting too.
November 25, 2013
As stated earlier in the comments, the group was also there, yes
November 25, 2013
It would be helpful to mention that pardon was there, that’s adding one word into that sentence among others.
As Jeremy Clarkson would say ‘How hard can it be?!’
November 25, 2013
Well I think this comment thread has made it very very clear indeed that the Pardon group was in attendance!
Look, I see your thinking but the article mentioned just some of the groups going, that’s how these things are written a lot of the time, to stop articles turning into lists. Because lists are boring.
I don’t really think that every time we happen to not mention a person or group that went to something we should come user pressure to amend our articles, from members or organisers of that group.
And I think that bowing to that pressure would also send out the wrong message, that our site can be influenced or pressured into making amendments in order to avoid having to deal with negative publicity.
As I said, the group wasn’t left out deliberately, or anything like that and I hope that people understand that since we did nothing wrong, we won’t be amending our article.
Thank you
Charlie (Ed)
Sylvia Webb
November 25, 2013
Where’s Pardon? And NADP? Why leave them out? They may appear to represent fewer people but their representatives gave their time (unpaid) just as much. I belong to 3 of the organisations mentioned, and Pardon? Was the only one which actually “heard” my individual voice
November 25, 2013
I’m pleased that they supported you Sylivia.
Please look at my replies above on this –
Charlie (Ed)
Linda Richards
November 26, 2013
The issue bring reported is about the meeting and hopefully, the positive progress that has emanated from same. It is not about who was there This business of each faction demanding recognition or whatever is exactly why people, not least the politicians and civil servants, get confused by the different messages which we send out as well as reinforcing the negative aspects of how the D/deaf community is fragmented and full of discord. I look forward to the report of the meeting. I know John Smith as a representative of the FB campaigning group ‘Spit the Dummy’ is going to post a video clip in BSL about this. I am sure the BDA post something will too. Well done to TLC and Charlie for posting more details about this meeting which I initially knew about from John Smith. As Jen Dodds said in an earlier TLC article, it doesn’t matter who does it, so long as it gets done. Let’s get it done…. For all of us. Lmr
Simon Macarthy
November 26, 2013
Some are in it just to get a bit of the limelight, rather than work for the common good. We don’t need egos, we need people to listen and represent the views of a wide range of deaf people. I checked out the Pardon page and it looked to be a regular but small number of the same names commenting on every thread, rather than a vibrant and diverse group of people. The moderators also seemed keep control on what is expressed as acceptable opinion, by ganging up on alternative views. I certainly didn’t feel like I wanted to contribute. Not entirely sure if its actually an active campaigning group or a small vociferous club.
Well done all on working together though. Could do with more of that – no matter who gets a mention because that’s really irrelevant.
November 26, 2013
The thing about PARDON is that its very much a minority group which is trying to represent those people that slip through the gap between hearing and those HoH/ deaf, who do not sign and find it really hard to get support for comunication such as lipspeakers and STTR. Of course the Admin show up constantly on the page because the are passionate about getting help for this group,and, as far as I’m concerned they are there constantly to give advice and offer support to those same people… as well as to control things when tempers flare due to differing opinions.
In reply to Simon, of course some people/groups are out to get a bit of the limelight… thats the whole point! you said it ” we need people to listen and represent the views of a wide range of deaf people” The PARDON group needs to grab some of the limelight simply because they don’t have any!
I apoligise if some of the members belong to a “small vociferous club” who believe in fighting to be heard.
I have lots of respect for hearing and also for deaf BSL users… but both could try these simple exercises.. Hearing wear ear protectors for a very important meeting. BSL users do not sign or use intrepretors for the same meeting… lo and behold you are now in the same boat as most PARDON members.
Linda Richards
December 10, 2013
I recall seeing this post and noticing that it had ten comments. This excited me as I wanted to see what people were saying about the Bill. Nothng. With more contributions, I’ve returned to see what was is being said abut the Bill. Still nothng. Very sad.