Deaf News: Seven deaf groups meet at Westminster to discuss Communication Support Bill

Posted on November 25, 2013 by

Seven deaf organisations and groups representing the deaf community (the D7) are meeting in London today to plot the next steps for Sir Malcolm Bruce MP’s Communication Support Bill.

The Bill didn’t progress beyond its second reading last month because it ran out of time for debate.

Today, the leading groups from the deaf world involved in drafting the Bill will be discussing how to maintain the levels of momentum and co-operation that have been achieved in recent months and how to convince the government that action is needed to support the communication rights of deaf people.

Some success has been achieved in this aim recently with the Minister for Disabled People, Mike Penning, revealing in a written answer to a question from an MP that he will be reviewing support for deaf people across government services – although nothing has been formally announced.

Those attending the meeting today at Portcullis House in Westminster include the charities Action on Hearing Loss and the BDA, education group DEXperience and Facebook-based campaign groups including ‘Spit the Dummy’. Sense are also there representing deaf-blind people.

Sir Malcolm Bruce will not be in attendance because he is in Burma as part of his role as the Chairman of the International Development Committee.

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