Are you aged 15 to 30 and deaf or hard of hearing?
Deafax is looking for young men and women aged between 15 and 30 to take part in a quick, online, confidential survey on sex education and pregnancy.
The survey asks questions about sex education, contraception, sexual health services, pregnancy and childbirth, and gives you the chance to say what support you think is needed.
It takes only minutes to complete and everyone who takes part can enter the prize draw to win a £50 Amazon gift voucher, by entering their email address at the end of the survey.
Deafax has teamed up with the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) to compile this important survey.
While Deafax’s 2012 sexual health survey was for all age groups, this new survey is focused solely on the experiences of the 15-30 age group. The information gathered, including important information about experiences during pregnancy, will help Deafax to campaign for better access to services for all young deaf people.
There are already many examples of where gaps in sex education or lack of access to essential services has led to problems for young deaf people, making them vulnerable or even putting their lives in danger:
• In the 2012 survey conducted by Deafax, an astonishing 65% of the young people stated that they found sexual education and services inaccessible.
• A woman was in labour and there was no interpreter available. The midwife could not successfully calm or soothe her, or ask her if she wanted an epidural – she ended up being given an epidural without having given permission.
• A teenage girl thought that you had to have sex with any man who asked you, as this was what was expected.
• A fourteen year old teenage boy thought that a sock could be used as a condom.
• A twenty one year woman was raped, and was unable in her report to name the basic sexual organs.
• A woman having her first child did not attend any ante-natal classes and gave birth at home, putting herself and her baby at risk.
So far, the Deafax/BPAS survey is highlighting ‘gaps’ in services, such as there being no communication professionals provided at pregnancy medical appointments and no help with difficult technical terms.
One responder stated:
“At hospital I was scared. I did not understand what was happening and who people were. They did things to me and did not talk about why.”
Can you help us to campaign for better services and access to information?
Have YOUR say, and help us to influence the improvement of education and sexual health and pregnancy services in the UK.
All answers are confidential and personal information won’t be disclosed.
To take the survey, click here: http://svy.mk/17agZW0
Deafax,a registered charity, has been in operation since 1985 and works to develop tailored made ‘deaf-friendly’ (70% visuals, 30% English) training and resources for deaf and hearing people, with the use of innovative technology. We aim to bridge the gaps together between both deaf and hearing people; empower deaf people with information, knowledge and skills, and raise awareness and best practice methods for professionals, parents and teachers on working with deaf people. One of our specialist areas is healthcare, and we are continuously working to bring together deaf people’s voices and experiences of healthcare access and aim to break down barriers so all can have a positive healthy wellbeing and lifestyle. Facebook: www.facebook.com/Deafax Twitter: @Deafax
Posted on December 3, 2013 by Editor