Round-up: The worst deaf health horror stories

Posted on December 10, 2013 by

Yesterday’s article by Deaf actor Matt Gurney about having his appendix removed and not knowing what was going on was read and shared thousands of times.

But Matt is not alone in experiencing unnecessary trauma at the hands of the NHS. Here’s a round-up of the shocking deaf health stories we’ve covered here on The Limping Chicken….

“I didn’t know what would be done.” Deaf actor Matthew Gurney explains how he had an operation without being given an interpreter

Matt Gurney writes about how he didn’t know what was going to happen to him when he about to be operated on.

“I had to tell my dad he was going to die, because he wasn’t given a sign language interpreter”

Matt Dixon tells us about the time he had to tell his own father that his liver cancer was terminal because the NHS didn’t consider booking an interpreter.

Deaf News: Deaf patient in Scottish hospital left without an interpreter for twelve days

A shocking report in the Scotsman has revealed how a Deaf patient was left isolated and unable to communicate for 12 days at a hospital in Scotland because of a failure to provide her with access to a sign language interpreter.

Deaf News: Facebook video shows deaf patient confused and anxious in hospital

A harrowing video was posted on Facebook of a deaf female hospital patient who apparently doesn’t know what drugs have been given to her and doesn’t know where she’s being taken to as her bed gets wheeled away.

And unfortunately, we’re sure that they’ll keep coming. Have you had a bad experience in hospital because your communication requirements were not met? Let us know by email:


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