Deaf News: Deaf groups complain after no interpreter provided at Ariel Sharon’s funeral

Posted on January 15, 2014 by

Which is worse, a fake interpreter, or no interpreter at all?

Each add up to the same thing – a lack of access for Deaf people, but here’s betting that the lack of an interpreter at Ariel Sharon’s funeral in Israel gets far less coverage than the fake interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s memorial did.

Extract from the Jerusalem Post:

The lack of a sign-language interpreter at former prime minister Ariel Sharon’s funeral was discriminatory against the deaf and hard of hearing, deaf groups complained Tuesday.

The issue of sign language at national ceremonies came to the forefront after late South African president Nelson Mandela’s funeral, where a hallucinatory impostor simply making odd hand gestures was on stage.

For Sharon’s funeral ceremony at the Knesset, translating devices were distributed for English and Hebrew. But no interpreters were provided for the deaf.

“When there is a national event open to the entire public, everyone must be able to take part,” said Yael Kakon, director of the Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Israel. “Deaf and hard-of-hearing people were excluded.”

To read the full article, go to:

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