On Saturday, BBC World Service show Sportshour hosted a debate about the Deaflympics and it’s relationship with the Paralympics – in the week that the venue for the 2015 Winter Deaflympics was confirmed.
Craig Crowley, former President of the International Committee of Sports for Deaf and Limping Chicken’s Deputy Editor, Andy Palmer, discussed issues surrounding international deaf sports.
You can listen to the show here or read the transcript of the report and conversation here:
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Andy. Not him, me.
January 20, 2014
I feel it is a dilemma. On the one hand deaf athletes are not benefitting from the huge publicity generated by the Paralympics. I would concede that nobody knew, prior to the actual even that it was going to take off like that. However now that it has taken off I think that deaf people should be part of it. Why the hell should be left out? That’s the usual deaf thing, isn’t it? Poor old deafies looking on from the sidelines while the hearing have fun. I don’t think that’s a good place to be.
On the other hand I quite appreciate the deaf concerns about being left out, isolated, worked around and under supported. If we do integrate with the wider movement it should be on the basis that inclusion at all levels WILL be practiced. Support WILL be provided and we WILL be treated as equals. Otherwise they can put it where the monkey put the nuts.
The big question is… CAN we do this? CAN we make it work? We’re intelligent, thinking people we should be able to make this happen. I say give it max blast and see what happens.