In life, opportunities will always present themselves but the question is; do you ignore them?
The reason why I say this is because of the recent announcement of BDA’s Sign Language week 2014 named ‘Strengthen our Rights’ and the exciting Deaf Lobby Day to be held on 17th March within the Houses of Parliament.
David Buxton and BDA have arranged this fantastic opportunity to actually go and meet your MP. It’s a chance to talk to them tell and them your issues face to face. All you have to do is send them a letter and ask them to turn up on the day. Interpreters will be provided.
It would be fantastic if Westminster was swamped with Deaf people, engaging in conversation, showing them that we really do care and all we are simply asking for is equality and inclusion.
I can say on behalf of Spit the Dummy and Campaign for BSL Act (STDC) that we are pleased to be a part of this unique opportunity to lobby MPs within Westminster’s walls.
STDC have just celebrated their one year anniversary. Deaf comedian and teacher, John Smith, set up the Facebook group on 24th February 2013 and we are still going from strength to strength. A lot has happened in the past 12 months. We can look back and can say it has been an extremely busy year!
Campaigning for change is not easy and we have been blocked on more than one occasion. Remember Early Day Motion 1167 and then the Private members bill?
The support from within the deaf community is there and our members work tirelessly to complete campaign objectives. Just because those avenues didn’t work out does not mean that we simply give up.
I’ve been on the Facebook admin team for STDC since the early days and I love it. It can be very testing at times but nerveless, I can say on behalf of the Admin Team that it is an honour to be a part of it.
The main thing that keeps us motivated is watching the group wall. It’s brilliant to see the deaf community engaging, discussing problems and supporting each other. It’s shocking to see how many members share the same experiences but brilliant to see how many members have become empowered to stand up for their rights.
Going to Parliament on the 17th March is another important way to do it. There are only a few places left.
For more information please see the BDA website about the Deaf Lobby Day:http://www.bda.org.uk/Deaf_Lobby_-_17th_March_2014 or see the event page on the STDC group pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/bslact/#!/events/500474993394280/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
By Matt Dixon.
Matt Dixon is a campaigner for the rights of sign language users, a trainee sign language interpreter and a member of the Spit the Dummy and Campaign for BSL Act Admin Team. You can follow Matt on Twitter @foreverbsl
Limping Chicken is supported by a range of charities and organisations linked to deafness, all of whom offer services that enhance deaf lives. Click on the images on the right-hand side of this site or go to our Supporters page to find out all about them!
March 5, 2014
I would love to, but I am a deaf person who knows very little sign. I would be afraid that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with fellow deaf people very well… Maybe it’s just my own insecurities and under confidence with the small amount of BSL I do know though?
Is it open to all – both signing and oral (or mixture)? Even though I don’t sign myself, I wish I could and if I had the time and money would be on a course right now. But I certainly support the cause, even if some might feel as if I am preaching what I don’t/can’t yet do…
March 5, 2014
You would ACHIEVE much more if you included people who are deaf and does not use sign, so that you will get people to see the full picture than the BSL itself. Great idea for the lobby but you won’t achieve that by not including the rest of the deaf population who does not USE BSL. Wake up and smell the coffee!!
March 9, 2014
Is anybody going to reply? I would like to go along but do not know if I would be welcome :/
March 9, 2014
Hi Eg, sorry I didn’t realise there had been some comments, apologies, check out the BDA website for further information. In relation to your question I would say yes of course you are welcome to come along. Although the focus is on sign language it’s also about promoting access and raising awareness regarding deaf issues. The point you make re wanting to learn sign language but not having access to courses due to time and cost is an excellent point to raise.
250 places were made available and it’s now fully booked however BDA have released some further tickets.
If you want to come along just simply do the below.
1.) book your ticket through the Eventbrite link on the BDA Website.
2.) ask your MP to meet you there to discuss your issues
3.) come along
Kind regards
Julie P
March 10, 2014
Gutted that I cannot make this event. Feel it would be a massive influence to the deaf community and would absolutely show Westminster we mean business.
Campaigns can be so much hard work but with the help and support form everybody deaf person, we can definitely make this work.
It will be very interesting to hear how many deaf/hard of hearing people actually turn up and what issues they bring up and most of all what’s actually dealt with moving forward from this meeting!
Keep us fully informed Matt!