Poem: ‘Sounding Off’ by Martyn Brown

Posted on March 6, 2014 by

SOUNDING OFF (a poem about Tinnitus)

So discrete you never notice
It just arrives one day
Delivered and installed
While you look the other way

A sound system to blow your mind
Notes so strange and absurd
You just can’t shake them off
Or decipher what you’ve heard

Guaranteed to give you a buzz
The ultimate bleep test
Random bells and whistles
To deprive your brain of rest

The machine assumes all control
You do not have a choice
It switches on at will
To become your master’s voice

The world around you is silent
But cannot hear your cries
Only sleep can save you
From this devil in disguise

Martyn Brown 12th February 2014

Martyn Brown is a deaf grandad in a hearing family. He regularly regularly speaks for NDCS and (from 2017) Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. He relies on digital aids, lip reading and is a black belt in the Deaf Nod.

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Posted in: martyn brown