Those of us here at the coop (!) were pleased to get an email recently from a disability researcher called Joseph Reddington, informing us that The Limping Chicken is the world’s 6th most popular disability blog, ranked by traffic.
Reddington works at the Royal Holloway and regularly blogs on a range of issues, including disability (he has a disabled sibling). He told us why he’s started ranking disability blogs: “Disability is historically under-mapped in all contexts, and the internet is no different, when you start to really dig down you find many, often quite large communities, focusing on the same issues, that have really no awareness of each other’s existence.”
Reddington’s on the look out for other blogs to be included in the ranking. He added: “This could only happen with the help of all the people who’ve send me sites to be included in the ranking – new sites are being added all the time and if the Limping Chicken readers know of anything that should be on the list but isn’t, then I’d really appreciate a comment on the list giving me the URL.”
Do leave a comment on his site suggesting other blogs Reddington should be aware of. Here’s a screengrab of the list as it stands:
Vincent Tervooren
April 23, 2014
April 23, 2014
Yay, well done LC!
John David Walker
April 23, 2014
Whoop! Howzat…
donaldo of the wasatch
April 23, 2014
AWESOME! At ’em! Well if nothing else, it does proves unequivocally that the deaf can WRITE!
April 23, 2014
Congratulations!! My friends and I do talk about the Limping Chicken website time to time. Keep up great work!
Also please check out the recently launched website geared towards the Canadian Deaf Community. deafcanada.ca is the site name. The site has the mixture of international news, national news, and local news as well
as commentary by the writers who wish to share their information.
Kim Hungerford
April 24, 2014
Congratulations! Look forward to seeing mine with you shortly!
Linda Richards
April 24, 2014
Well deserved recognition! Looking at the screen grab, TLC is actually top of any Deaf news blogs. (The others being parent blogs). Lmr xx
Michael S
April 24, 2014
Congratulations Charlie!
April 24, 2014
well done!!
Would it be a good time to mention an upcoming blogging event: BADD – Blogging against Disabilism Day? (http://blobolobolob.blogspot.co.uk/) Disabilism being the disabled equivalent of racism, i.e. prejudice against people on the basis of disability. Sure, many people would argue against the disability model for deaf people but I think its worth pointing out that even if the deaf person doesn’t see themselves as disabled, someone being prejudiced against them may do, and it could form the basis of their prejudice. I’m sure lots of people here have stories to tell of being prejudiced against… For the Limping Chicken team, it might be worth joining in.
Reg Cobb
April 25, 2014
Congratulations. Great blog and I enjoy it. Onwards and up!
April 25, 2014
Thanks Reg