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Join critically acclaimed actor and performance artist Mat Fraser for a journey through the history of disability – a history lesson with a difference.
Mat Fraser’s intriguing and sometimes challenging live act uses museum objects and their histories through a blend of drama, comedy and cabaret, film and music hall pastiche, to prompt us to question and rethink our own, as well as society’s, attitudes towards difference.
Drawing on inspiration gained from sifting through the many objects, medical specimens, photographs and papers held in museum collections, Mat explores the part that medical advances and the development of the medical profession have historically played in shaping our present day perceptions of disability.
Cabinet of Curiosities was commissioned by the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries at the University of Leicester.
(drinks reception from 6.15pm)
Tickets: 0113 205 6521
or 0113 205 6526
Access: 0113 205 6526
(drinks reception from 6.15pm)
Tickets: 01332 641901
Access: 01332 641901
TUESDAY 10 JUNE 2014, 7.30PM
(drinks reception from 6.30pm)
Tickets: 0161 275 2635
Access: 0161 275 2648
All performances will be BSL interpreted. For more information and for tickets please contact the venue.
A discussion will follow each show.
Linda Richards
May 13, 2014
Would go if I could! Amazing performer! How do we find out who the interpreter is?
May 13, 2014
Squaring the Circle
First they came for the Disabled, I did not speak out – because I was not Disabled .
Then they came for the Socialists , I did not speak out — because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Muslims , I did not speak out — because I was not a Muslim.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for unemployed Welsh , I did not speak out – because I am not unemployed or Welsh .
Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.
Copyright VM Hunt 2014.
Gareth Foulkes
May 14, 2014
Please please please! Message to Matt Fraser ….we need you on the Isle of Man now (yes the place with the funny three prosthetic legs)! I’m under fire from paternalists, politicians and plonkas (sadly some of whom are D/deaf). I need some back up …noooooowwwwww!
Linda Richards
May 14, 2014
Would go if I could! Amazing performer! How do we find out who the interpreter is?
I also wish there was an email address rather than a telephone number…. I can google and look it up but it takes more time….
David Hopes
May 14, 2014
Hi. My name is David Hopes and I’m helping to plan the shows. The BSL interpreter is Jacqui Beckford. Please do get in touch with me if you have any other enquiries or you’d like to book via email dh218@le.ac.uk
Thanks, David
May 14, 2014
Hi to all you Limping Chickens, I am only a half limp chicken. I don’t wish go further on that subject at this stage in my hatching stage, unless asked by any full Limped Chickens otherwise. Be assured I am not a new rooster disguised as a fox in the block. My main purpose today is just to say Hi I’m just a little baby chick so pls no rough stuff until I totally emerge from my shell, if that’s OK with you guys & girls. My experience of life is that every team needs a captain and that a captain needs a crew in order to keep it’s boat afloat . I admire , support & wish to serve this ship “The Limping Chicken” as a matelot 3rd class .
I realise that I am not alone or on desolate island in North Wales but I feel OK with being awash in Wales. I must confess I am curious to know just how many loose limping chickens their are running around Wales. Come up & cluck me sometime.