Deaf News: “Toxic” culture reported at Scotland’s national Deaf school

Posted on July 11, 2014 by

The Edinburgh News has reported on claims of a “toxic” culture at Donaldson’s Deaf School in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Concerns are growing for the school after a recent indecent assault case and the departure of its Chief Executive. Now, reports suggest that five staff members who expressed a grievance one year ago may not have had their complaints dealt with.


SCOTLAND’S national deaf school is mired in a “toxic” culture of endemic bullying, lack of transparency and incompetence, senior staff have claimed.

Five key staff members are still waiting for final resolution of a collective grievance lodged with Donaldson’s School more than a year ago to highlight management failings and call for change.

One of those involved has warned the Linlithgow-based institution – Scotland’s national school for children who are deaf or have hearing difficulties – is in “crisis”.

It is understood no official hearings have taken place in relation to grievance statements provided by staff members and that complaints are still outstanding with no clear or immediate prospect of an outcome.

Click here to read the full article:

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