Over the last week, the ‘tipping water on your head’ challenge has spread far and wide through the Deaf community, with Deaf folk challenging their friends to either soak themselves in cold water or donate hard cash to charity.
With each person nominating five friends, the craze has quickly gone from involving just a handful of Deaf people to the entire Deaf community.
But there’s one person who slipped through the net, and we’ve managed to track him down.
Meet Danny Black, of the Ribble Valley, Lancashire.
Danny signed from birth and attended a Deaf school from the age of 4 until he took an apprenticeship in plumbing.
Like him, Danny’s parents, grandparents, and three generations before them were all born profoundly Deaf.
He’s a lifelong BSL user who socialises regularly with Deaf people and has a Deaf girlfriend and son.
Every single Deaf person Danny knows has either tipped water on their heads or donated money to charity – or both.
But remarkably, Danny hasn’t been asked to take part in the water challenge yet, and since every other BSL user in the UK has now taken part, his only hope is that a Deaf person from abroad nominates him.
“Some of my friends said I’m lucky,” Dannny told us. “Because I haven’t had to get my head wet or pay money to charity. But I’m upset. I feel like everyone else has had fun together, but I’m not included.”
He’s been ready for weeks. “I have a bucket, and I’ve kept it next to the cold water tap in the garden. It would take me two minutes to fill it up and film myself. But now cobwebs are growing on the bucket because it’s not been used.”
So why wasn’t he asked to take part? “I kept expecting someone to nominate me. Like my girlfriend, my friends or my grandad. But they didn’t. When I asked them why not, they said they thought I’d already done it. But I haven’t.”
By the time Danny realised he’d been left out, everyone else had taken part and it was too late for anyone to nominate him.
Initially, Danny enjoyed watching the hundreds of videos of Deaf people tipping water on their heads, but now says he can’t watch them and because his timeline is full of videos of water tipping, he says he is even thinking about leaving Facebook.
“Every video just reminds me of how I was left out,” he said. “And I can’t go on Facebook without seeing more videos. So I’m thinking it might be best to cancel my account.”
Do you live outside the UK? Could you nominate Danny for the water tipping challenge? Email thelimpingchicken@gmail.com if you can help!
With thanks to satirical website The Onion.
By Charlie Swinbourne. Charlie is the editor of Limping Chicken, as well as being a journalist (Guardian, BBC Online) and award-winning scriptwriter. His short film The Kiss was shown at Bradford International Film Festival in March, and his comedy Four Deaf Yorkshiremen go to Blackpool can now be seen on the BSL Zone by clicking here.
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Amanda Jane Richards
July 15, 2014
I was only nominated yesterday so don’t worry… I’m still yet to do it..Want me to add you and nominate you once I’ve done it?
July 15, 2014
Might be worth taking a look at who is thanked at the end of the article
July 15, 2014
It is almost like being picked last at school sports day, I could see that happening and I didn’t need this post to alert me to it. Danny, I’m pretty sure you’ll now get a few nominations and you’ll regret it!
For the record, no-one nominated me either – so Danny, you’re certainly not the last person. Maybe I wasn’t nominated because I flagged the ethics of it all, you can’t have it both ways.
However, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t see it. On a personal note I was mainstreamed, there is almost always a deaf school in-crowd and it usually gets highlighted in situations like this. It highlights how the Deaf community works, not just tipping water over your head but when it e.g. comes to invites for social events. This is not a great surprise, the likes of me need to earn our presence (through campaigning, voluntary work) and it is just an extension of the rest. Being part of a Deaf community in a political sense only, it just is. Another angle for people to contemplate sometime.
Coralie wright
July 15, 2014
I haven’t done it yet either, neither has my fiancée. You’re now the only one.
July 15, 2014
This is a spoof article – in the style of the Onion (linked above) Please don’t take it seriously!
July 15, 2014
Ahem. Thanks Andy. And thanks for the supportive comments everyone – I’m sure ‘Danny Black’ would be pleased (if he really existed!) Ed
July 15, 2014
Lol I’ve not been asked either keeping my head down really does work lol
Amanda Jane Richards
July 15, 2014
clearly easy fooled…ops
July 15, 2014
This made me chuckle! Thanks for the laugh! Nice to see Irony in Deaf humour for a change!
July 16, 2014
Its not irony, its not in anyway deaf humour either, that why its not gone down well.
July 16, 2014
Well, clearly some people have managed to see the funny side! But comedy is a subjective thing, so each to their own. Ed
July 15, 2014
No he is not the only deaf person who never been nominated. Last Saturday I went to a friend BBQ party. The host and his wife haven’t been nominate yet and they both are deaf. I’m sure there is many more deaf people such as my deaf parents who hasn’t been or will be nominate. Don’t be upset. I saw some clips where they said too many people have been nominated and I nominate to those who haven’t been nominate yet which mean Danny had been nominated!
July 15, 2014
This article is a spoof Marty, sorry! Ed
July 16, 2014
Well, I don’t mean to be rude but I feel he shouldn’t take it too seriously as he must be lucky to have a deaf family where he can communicates easily – am I right? If so, then looking at me brought up in the hearing family where we are still struggle to understand each other and leave us to use sms/email for a second option to enable us to keep in touch. I want to playing football but I cannot, due to my Usher so I can feeling left out.
I can name more examples here but I rather to be quiet and concentrate on myself.
Everyone has a list of CAN and CANNOT. Which is so normal.
Cheer up Danny Black! Do something to make yourself happy.
July 16, 2014
Oh, pur-lease! Big Woop! So he didnt get nominated…. He isn’t the ONLY one! I got nominated after 6 days of first seeing it, but even i weren’t bothered about not being nominated! This just screams attention seeking to me!
July 16, 2014
It’s a spoof article, sorry! Ed
July 17, 2014
I don’t know about what humour it is, must be heeaing humour but I think it hilarious. like Ed said, its a spoof article
July 21, 2014
Your friends respect your social standing in the Deaf world. 3 generation of Deaf family = full of fun and easy flow communication and good Deaf friends network. Myself, I am from Deaf family and I am happy to keep my hair dry!