Limping Chicken passes two million page views!

Posted on July 17, 2014 by

A few minutes ago, Limping Chicken passed the 2 million views mark! Here’s a few words from our Editor, Charlie Swinbourne…

It took us about a year and a half to reach a million views, which happened last October, and I didn’t expect that we’d clock up another million so soon.

A big part of that is what happened back in December, when we broke the international news story about the fake interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial service in South Africa.

That day, so many people visited the site that it nearly broke down! I don’t think we’ll see another story like that for a long while, that captures the attention of the whole world – but you never know.

I remember the day I started this site, in February 2012. That seems a long time ago – I was living in London then, and I’ve moved house four times since!

In a way this site has remained the constant during a few years when my life changed a lot, with young children, moving house, and moving from one part of the country to another.

In that time I’ve got used to moderating comments through the day, responding to various enquiries, emailing writers, uploading their articles, and sometimes, having enough time to write an article of my own!

I set up the site back then because I believed that Deaf people needed a platform to share our views and write about our lives.

I also believed that one site could cover different types of deafness, different methods of communication and different experiences.

I hoped people would join in, but I’m still surprised just how many people have written for us in the last two years and a bit – over 120 at the last count, ranging from BSL signers to hearing aid users and parents of Deaf children.

I am still grateful to Laraine Callow, who supported the idea from the very start, with her company Deafworks becoming this site’s first supporter.

I’m massively grateful to our writers. We have a fantastic Deputy Editor, Andy Palmer (who has another great piece coming up very shortly) who writes several times a week, and we also have weekly pieces from our Friday Editor, Emily Howlett.

Then there’s our Contributing Editors, who write once a month, and many more of you, some of whom who have written just once, others who have written every few months or so since we started, who have all made a contribution.

Our supporters have also been vital, so this is a good time to thank them. Do go to our Supporters page to find out more about the services they offer.

Above all, I would like to thank all of our readers who have not only read our articles, but shared them and commented on them.

Thank you.


Charlie Swinbourne is the editor of Limping Chicken, as well as being a journalist (Guardian, BBC Online) and award-winning scriptwriter. His short film The Kiss was shown at Bradford International Film Festival in March, and his comedy Four Deaf Yorkshiremen go to Blackpool can now be seen on the BSL Zone by clicking here.

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The Limping Chicken is the world's most popular Deaf blog, and is edited by Deaf  journalist,  screenwriter and director Charlie Swinbourne.

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