One of these three people is the next Chair of the BDA. Who are YOU voting for?

Posted on July 18, 2014 by

The British Deaf Association has long been regarded as the charity for the Deaf, signing community, so being Chair of the BDA is no walk in the park.

The role is voluntary, and among numerous other tasks, the Chair of the BDA works in partnership with David Buxton, the CEO, and leads the Board of Trustees in planning strategy and setting objectives for the charity.

The BDA’s aims including gaining better BSL language rights, greater equality in society and empowerment for Deaf people.

The nomination period is complete, and now BDA members have until 6th August to cast their vote. But who will they vote for?

This election differs from past elections because the candidates are reaching out via social media to tell people what their aims would be.

Two candidates have set up Facebook groups supporting their campaigns. There are also signed videos from each of them on the BDA website along with written election statements.

The candidates, briefly, are:

Agnes Dyab

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A board member for 8 years and the current Vice Chair, Dyab has organised the BDA’s Annual Conference since 2006 and created the BDA Communication team. She was also involved in setting up the BDA’s Vision, Mission and Values.

Terry Riley

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The current Chair, Riley has served for 6 years in the role. He has extensive media and campaigning experience. His priorities are Deaf empowerment, the implementation of BDA policies and campaigns, plus a focus on governance and management.

Check his Facebook page out by clicking here.

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Sylvia Simmonds

A previous BDA Vice Chair, Simmonds is a qualified youth worker and is a current campaigner for the Spit the Dummy BSL Act Facebook group. Her three priorities are campaigning for Equality of Access and a BSL Act,  encouraging community networking via social events, and reaching out to Deaf grassroots.

Check her Facebook page out by clicking here.

So, if you’re a BDA member, who are you supporting, and why? Tell us below!

You can find BSL videos and written statements from the three candidates, the ballot, a letter from the adjudicator and a signed introduction from CEO David Buxton, here:

By Charlie Swinbourne, Editor. The Limping Chicken is the world’s 6th most popular disability blog. Check out our Supporters here.

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