Here’s a nice video to end the week.
Two members of staff from the charity Water Aid post a video (with subtitles and a BSL interpreter) thanking the Deaf community for all the donations that have poured in from people taking the water challenge.
Then they take the challenge themselves. Take a look.
Remember, it’s easy to contribute – just text WATER to 70007 to donate £3 to WaterAid.
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Tony Barlow
July 18, 2014
Classy! Seeing them joining in, hope that will persuade the non tippers to rejoin the fun.
July 18, 2014
Ted Evans
July 19, 2014
I hope it will also encourage those who didn’t do it for charity to actually donate and help the many people out there who need clean and safe water. I saw a lot of people demanding stupid things for themselves like drinks or food… make it worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be very much money.
Ann Cuthbertson
July 19, 2014
Why why use hearing people show not their ideas it’s Deaf Community do it should ask Deaf people who done water over head empathy Deaf signers Interpeter translate to spoken language why not they prevent use any Deaf people show water over head for Water Aid Charity to help African people n children it’s wake up call it’s DEAF BSL video it’s make me frustration always Hearing taken over on Deaf People…….Water Aid Charity received more money towards to help better lives in Africa to make clear water for people n children. Water Aid Charity thanks to Deaf Community for donate money in their charity
Elizabeth Bruyne
July 21, 2014
Thank you to Deaf BSL community for raising awareness, and to everyone – both Deaf and hearing – who has donated . Great that the charity director thanked everyone by joining in! Brilliant video! Keep the donations coming !
Jill Hipson
July 20, 2014
Love the video. Hope it encourages more people to tip and donate, or just donate!
July 20, 2014
The fact that staff at Water Aid noticed ‘DeafWaterDumping’ means a lot to those of us who signed onto donations via the Water Aid website.
One question in the website’s process asked why we joined, so in my case – naturally – I told them why, so must many other Deafies. Thanks for bringing us real acknowledgement, staff at Water Aid!
July 25, 2014
It’s worth cos can help with water aid for poor people need water