Exclusive: Deaf woman says she was “humiliated” on bus as driver allegedly insists she can hear phone

Posted on July 28, 2014 by

Just a week after we reported how a Deaf woman in Manchester was allegedly subjected to an angry tirade from a Train Manager, a deaf woman from Oxford has tweeted about what she describes as a “humiliating” experience on a bus to Oxford earlier today.

Sarah Chapman, an Information Specialist who has recently researched why people don’t wear hearing aids, sent a series of tweets following the alleged incident.

Her tweets say that, following a disagreement over whether she needed to buy an additional ticket, the driver phoned his supervisor then tried to pass the phone on to her – allegedly insisting she could hear it and waving it at her, despite her telling him that she was deaf.

Oxford Tube’s manager  David Rouse has responded, saying:

I expect high standards of customer care from all of my staff and any lowering of these standards will not be tolerated. Drivers receive appropriate training to enable them to give a good customer experience and this is something I will be following up with the individual concerned. However, until I receive more details from the passenger concerned I am unable to trace the coach and driver she was travelling with.

Once I have these details, the driver concerned will be identified and will be required to attend a formal interview under our internal disciplinary procedures where they will be expected to give a full explanation with regard to their performance on the day in question. Subsequently, any necessary action will be considered.

In the meantime, please accept my assurance that such matters are taken very seriously and dealt with accordingly. I am sorry that you have had cause to contact us but I thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.

Her tweets are below:


Update: This story has now been reported in the Oxford Mail. Read their story here: http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/yourtown/oxford/11373900.Oxford_Tube_sorry_for_deaf_passenger_s__humiliation_/?ref=rss&utm_campaign=Oxtweets

By Charlie Swinbourne, Editor

Photo by Graham Richardson

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