Recently, we posted an article telling our readers in brief about the three candidates for BDA Chair – Agnes Dyab, Terry Riley and Sylvia Simmonds.
Prompted by a comment from Linda Richards on that article, we decided to ask the candidates to answer five questions in BSL so that the BDA members can compare their responses before they make their choice (the deadline for votes to arrive is August 6th).
The five questions are:
1. What do you think the BDA currently does well?
2. What do you think the BDA needs to improve on?
3. What are your priorities for the BSL community?
4. What partnerships would you look to establish?
5. How will your past experience help the BDA if you become Chair?
The three videos detailing their responses are below.
Let us know what you think in the comment box below – and if you’d rather comment in BSL, simply make a YouTube video then paste the URL into the comment box!
Agnes Dyab
Terry Riley
You can read a transcript of Terry’s answers at this link: http://limpingchicken.com/2014/07/30/transcript-bda-chair-responses/
Sylvia Simmonds
You can read a transcript of Sylvia’s answers at this link: http://limpingchicken.com/2014/07/30/transcript-bda-chair-responses/
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Imtiaz Karim
July 31, 2014
i decide vote fact sylvia
Martin reilly
July 31, 2014
Hello Sylvia my name is martin reilly. that is very good news for deaf people of BDA. maybe next September or next year in Scotland. There maybe have their own independent country. Next same Wales. My suggestion that for an example London deaf association. South Wales deaf association. North west deaf association. Manchester deaf association. South west England. it is easy different findings. than big one one. Maybe government don’t understand that. maybe it would change. More positive viewing. I wish you every success on your career future.
best wishes
Toby Dawson
July 31, 2014
You have raised an interesting question, I was disappointed to see comments on Scotland being a region, it is a country, not a region, that is one of the many reasons why people living in Scotland are campaigning for an independent Scotland.
I would like to see deaf people from the British Isles considering the Nordic’s deaf model, the Nordic Council of the Deaf, where each country have their own equal signing say into things.
The more that I have looked into the Nordic’s record when it comes to deaf people, the more that I am impressed with them. http://www.dnr.fi/index.php?kieli=2
I wouldn’t consider the BDA as the leading Deaf organisation in Europe when past and present Westminster Government are committed to Neo-LIberalism.
Terry riley
August 1, 2014
Hi Everyone I have posted my responses to the many questions raised by Linda Richards in a previous article covering the election please take a look Terry Riley