The newest supporter of this site is cSeeker, which is a new company run by two Deaf brothers, Guy and Alex Orlov. Here they tell us all about themselves and their new venture.
Tell me about you both?
We are two Deaf brothers in our 30s, from London and Leeds. We were born in Moscow, Russia, but grew up in Tel Aviv, Israel!
We use Russian, Hebrew, English, British Sign Language and Israeli Sign Language in our daily communication.
Guy is an entrepreneur, who enjoys travelling around the world, socialising and watching football; Alex is an artist and graphic designer, who enjoys being creative and reading some heavy classics.
What is your background?
Guy has a BSc (Hons) in Computing Visualisation from Sheffield Hallam University.
After graduation, Guy worked for the National Deaf Children’s Society for several years. Then in 2013, he also established cSeeker Ltd, together with his brother Alex.
Alex Orlov has got a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design from the University of Derby.
After graduation, Alex worked in various advertising and design agencies as a branding and web designer. Since 2008, he has become fully self-employed and has established his own design studio.
What is the new company aiming to do?
cSeeker is aiming to be an easy and quick online service to help Deaf people find and book Language Service Professionals (LSP).
Deaf and hard of hearing people will be able to find a BSL Interpreter or a Lipspeaker easily, based on distance, feedbacks and cost.
The LSP will be able to find new clients and manage their workflow easily by using such tools as an online Calendar, Dashboard and more, depending on the plan.
How will it make a difference?
We know how difficult it can be to find an appropriate LSP.
If we can’t book somebody we are acquainted with, we have to Google other LSPs, check their qualifications and experience, to contact them, then wait for their response… so stressful it is, isn’t it?
And we sometimes have to ask our mother to give that LSP a quick phone call to request a booking…
No more. cSeeker brings us power and independency!
How can people use cSeeker?
Type cseeker.co.uk into the browser window.
Then, the first thing you will see is the big green search box, just like the ones at EasyJet or Ryanair or local trains websites.
After clicking on the ‘search’ button, you get the results. Just choose the one you feel matches your needs the most, and wait for confirmation via SMS or e-mail!
What are your hopes for the future?
We hope that in the future, technology together with human creativity will enable maximum independence and freedom for Deaf people.
And we hope that cSeeker is going to be an integral part of this change.
Find out all about cSeeker at this link: http://www.cseeker.co.uk
July 30, 2014
Everything is possible! I don’t know you guys but I am so excited about your venture and pray it grows from strength to strength. Go cSeeker! Go!!!
July 30, 2014
Thank you Bo for your kind words!!