Going through boxes of dusty old stuff at the weekend I rediscovered a home-made game that I made to help my deaf son learn how to hear with his cochlear implant.
It was something I called the ‘Ling Machine.’ The Ling Sounds are just noises that cover the spectrum of speech, from a low ‘mmm’ sound all the way to a high-pitched ‘sss’ sound.
They’re important in helping parents identify if their cochlear implanted child can hear and differentiate between all 6 Ling sounds. It was an early but important step.
To try and make this aspect of speech development fun, I stuck together six matchboxes and put a picture that corresponded with the Ling sound on top of each box.
A picture of a sweet for the ‘mmm’ sound, a baby for ‘shh’ and a snake for ‘sss’. Then, inside a matchbox, I would put a little sweet as a reward if my son identified a Ling sound correctly – I must confess the system worked well.
That was ten years ago, so before I forget, here’s some of the most important things I remember from the experience of helping a young deaf person learn to talk.
I’m not qualified to give speech therapy advice – I’m merely a parent giving my thoughts based on my own particular set of experiences. Consult professionals, friends and other parents and do what works for you – but here’s what worked for me.
1. It’s child’s play – but let the child lead
Play is vital for learning and not just in our species. Many animals learn through play but if you’re playing with the intention of doing some speech development, let the kid lead the way. That’s essential.
The reason why is that if children are engaged and interested, then they’re more likely to hear and try to use the new words or sounds associated with the activity.
It was quite surprising to me how often I took over play – leading my son to do what I wanted him to do rather than observing and adding the simple sounds and language associated with what he was doing.
For example, if he was pushing a car around backwards I should introduce the word backwards or reverse and the noise of it rather than try take-over and enforce the rule that cars mostly go forwards.
Put the mobile phone away and turn off the telly because playing well really is harder than it seems.
2. Become life’s commentator
The role of a parent of a deaf child with implants, and I speak as a parent who has no hearing children, is to act as life’s commentator. Life’s John Motson or John Madden.
So much vocabulary is built up by hearing kids by simply watching TV, listening to the radio or overhearing adults or other kids around them.
Implanted kids just don’t pick it up in the same way so to build vocabulary the parent has to intentionally deliver it and not rely on incidental listening.
If you notice something – say it. If you do something – say what you’re doing. A good example is rather than just fetching the milk from the fridge say ‘I’m going to the fridge to fetch some milk’ or ‘Lazy daddy! The washing bin is over-flowing’ rather than simply doing the chore. There really is a wide-world of language opportunities to exploit from the mundane. Use them.
3. Be one step ahead
Let’s say kiddie has started saying the word ‘train’. Develop it one step by describing trains as either stream trains, or diesel trains or high-speed trains.
Once that’s in the bag, bring out the words locomotive or passenger trains. Those rules of escalation of vocabulary can be applied to anything.
A cat can then be a tabby cat, a domestic cat or an endangered cat. As we noted in point two, unless you say these words, they’re not likely to be picked up incidentally.
4. Keep it quiet around the house
Ask any deaf person who uses hearing aids or cochlear implants and they’ll tell you that background noise is the bane of their lives. It can make listening, already very tricky into a near-impossible feat.
A good response is to try to keep the noises around the home low so your language can be heard and copied more easily. That means keep the TV off when it’s not being watched or turn the car stereo off if you have something to say that you want understood. Even moderate background noise just makes everything harder in a way that is hard for people with perfect hearing to understand.
5. Avoid the cobblestone ruts of vocabulary
Horse-drawn carts created ruts in medieval cobblestone streets. The more the carts got stuck in the ruts, the deeper those ruts became. I remember thinking that the same could be said for language regular use around the home. It seemed easy to fall into a narrow (but fully understood) language trap.
Try not to get too used to one way of saying something once it is understood. Vary what you say to avoid developing a rut in the household vernacular.
At the risk of labouring the point, you’re the most important source of new vocabulary so ‘switch off’ a light occasionally rather than ‘turn it off’ like you normally do. Offer ‘some refreshment’ rather than ‘a drink’ occasionally.
Yes, it seems a little strange but the fact is that someone has to introduce these words eventually, so it may as well be you.
6. Model language and avoid correcting
Modelling language, or repeating back something correctly, is possibly the most used tool. There are literally thousands of opportunities for correction along the way but being frequently corrected by a parent is likely to be both irritating and a threat to a deaf child’s valuable self-esteem.
To model, just say, as if to affirm, what should have been said back if it wasn’t quite right. Leave it at that. Let the human brain and your mutual understanding of what’s going on take care of the rest.
7. Self-evaluate
Possibly the most helpful thing our speech therapist (you know who you are) did for us is video me and the boy playing together at home.
I watched the tape afterwards and was told to evaluate myself against some key criteria such as: Did I model the language? Did I allow the child to lead the play? Was I listening to what the child was saying? And so on.
It was a revelation. Once I watched my easily distracted and controlling self on camera, I could see what I was missing. The proto-words I ignored and the gaps in language aching to be filled. I began to understand that playing with a child with the aim of developing speech takes no small amount of concentration.
Andy is Chairman of the Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society and teaches sign language in primary schools. Contact him on twitter @LC_AndyP
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donaldo of the wasatch
September 3, 2014
Some of the best rehab experts and therapists are still Mom and Dad along with other family members. Research has proven that family members trained to understand the deal with disabilities are often as effective or more than the professionals. My parents had a son that had turned 4 years old that day on February 7th, 1955. He never shut up again. It is amazing the advice that Andy shares here is some of the same techniques they used with essentially the first significant generation of hearing aids. There were earlier ones, but they were model T’s in quality and effectiveness. Andy – you are awesome. The advice – keep it calm around the house is the first advice I give everyone dealing with or with someone with a hearing issue – before slower and louder.
September 3, 2014
Thanks for the comment, Donaldo. Much appreciated – Andy
Angela Lindsay
September 3, 2014
I was one of the few lucky ones who was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss at 6 months old in the Seventies and fitted with hearing aids soon after. My mother was a full-time housewife and she did the John Tracey Clinic Correspondence Course for Parents of Hearing-impaired Children (which is still running today in California, USA – google it). Throughout my childhood, my mother talked to me all the time, read books and played games with me. I had weekly speech therapy and also went to a Hard-of-Hearing Unit at a mainstream primary school where well-trained teachers, using the tele-loop system, taught small classes of hearing-impaired children. My parents were involved in my education throughout my schooling. I went on to mainstream high school and passed exams with university entry, and then studied at university and graduated – all without any specialist teaching support or adaptations, except for my personal FM system.
I am an example of what evidence-based research has found, which is that Early Diagnosis and Early Family-centred Intervention are ESSENTIAL for children with hearing loss to achieve their full potential.
Cathy Alexandeŕ
September 3, 2014
Wow!! Who needs the experts? Nobody! Given Andy’s great excerpt! Fantastic parental advice for hearing parents of deaf children.
Reading this tale of effective communication made me realise how language does not escalate for deaf people, especially for many of my generation who were brought up using BSL. Language, in this respect gives meaning rather than words themselves. So, given Andy’s example of changing “drink” for “refreshments” in BSL the word “drink” would remain.
I have long suspected that poor literacy levels in some deaf people is due to BSL itself: lack of vocabulary and the grammatical structure make learning English one heck of an uphill struggle.
To this degree it is a measure of freedom that cochlear implants give to deaf children, that exposes them to far more vocabulary than they would ever have known or understood if they were without a CI.
Not all deaf people in the deaf community agree with implantation to aid deaf childrens’ lives, but how can anyone disagree when the positives outweigh the negatives: greater understanding vocabulary wise, the ability to enjoy wider audiences with different perspectives on life, better education through improved literacy levels and therefore more job choices and chances of promotion in the workplace. How can one object?
It is great for Andy to have shared his story for parents all over Britain and hopefully they can partake of his methods for their deaf children too, as long as the patience, motivation and time is there!