“Deaf people are at risk of losing their rich cultural heritage.” Meet Deaf visual artist Christopher Sacre

Posted on September 22, 2014 by

photo 1Tell me about your art – how long have you been an artist? 

I have been a full time Visual Artist for 14 years. I’m also a freelance Facilitator of artistic workshops, delivered in BSL, in a variety of galleries, museums and other settings.

What is your art focused on?

I’m passionate about using my art to stimulate wider interest, discussion and debate about the complex and problematic nature of being Deaf in society.

Through recent changes in the Deaf community and funding cuts many significant educational and cultural institutions have been lost, which had been vital focal points for the community.

This stripping away of the cultural fabric of the community has arguably left Deaf people increasingly at risk of losing their rich cultural heritage. What will be left for future generations?

The flyer for Chris's show

The flyer for Chris’s show

What is your main achievement in art?

My biggest achievement is not about getting fame or riches, it’s been managing to  survive and continually work within the creative sector, which has enabled me to continue doing what I love most – being a Visual Artist .

What is this exhibition about?

The new work in the exhibition develops ideas I first explored in my ‘See What This Man Gave Birth to After Using 2000 Condoms in 22 Days’ installation in 2010.

That piece marked a turning point in my work and introduced my ‘babies’ to the world – sculptural forms made by pouring liquid plaster into condoms.

NOTHINGNESS unveils the next stage of evolution, a sculptural ‘child’ which partially takes it’s meaning from the responses it provokes and how viewers connect emotionally, intellectually and imaginatively with it.

How can people see it?

Everyone is invited to come to the NOTHINGNESS exhibition’s preview on Friday 26th September from 6pm-9pm at Nucleus Art Chatham Gallery in Kent.

The exhibition will continue to run between 27 September – 9 October and I hope to see you there!

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Posted in: interviews, meet