Jen Dodds: Why you should support the Access to Work test case (BSL)

Posted on October 7, 2014 by

Everyone knows about the Access to Work (AtW) problems that so many deaf people seem to have been having recently, with budgets cut and limited, and lots of general confusion going on.

To watch this article in BSL, click ‘play’ below:

One deaf person who has had AtW problems, including a budget cut, has decided to take AtW to court to challenge them through a judicial review, to look into their situation and the decision that was made.

How this might help YOU…

This “test case” is really very important. It won’t just affect the deaf person who is challenging AtW in court.

If they win, lots of other deaf people will be able to learn from their case and use it to challenge AtW too. That means that AtW might change their minds about other deaf people’s funding.

How YOU can help…

It is possible that AtW might change their minds before court happens, and give the deaf person their AtW funding back, etc. This means that the case might not actually go to court.

If it does go to court and the deaf person wins, they won’t have to pay any costs. However, if the deaf person loses, they will get a big bill.

The Stop Changes to AtW campaign group is supporting the deaf person with this case. Stop Changes to AtW do not want the deaf person to have to pay any court costs, so they have said that they will pay. That’s very kind of them, but really, they shouldn’t have to do that either!

Stop Changes to AtW has set up a special bank account to raise money for this. People have been donating whatever they can afford – from £5 to even £100! – to share the responsibility.

So, if you can, it would be great if you could click here to donate whatever you can.

Let’s work together to support the deaf person to do something that may change lots of people’s lives!

Jen Dodds is a Contributing Editor for The Limping Chicken. When she’s not looking after chickens or children, Jen can be found translating, proofreading and editing stuff over at Team HaDo Ltd ( On Twitter, Jen is @deafpower.

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Posted in: jen dodds