The Deaf community has been up in arms the past couple of months about viral stories that have been dominating the Internet.
Whether it is videos of an individual hearing noise for the first time after getting their cochlear implant activated or fitted with hearing aids, or a sign language interpreter or student of the language reaching viral success signing a song and running with their newfound fame.
It’s wonderful that sign language has been in the press so much lately, but it seems that while sign language is getting quite the spotlight there haven’t been too many Deaf spokespeople to go along with the stories.
Let’s turn the spotlight around, and really share some stories that are worth highlighting that folks in both the Deaf and hearing community may not know about.
The reason that many of those stories and videos have gone viral is that people love their feel-good stories, and they love sharing them.
There’s a lot of inspiring, positive stories happening out there in the Deaf community that our hearing companions can learn about and share.
Everyone of these individuals or collective of them overcame the odds and worked hard to achieve their mission. Here are just a few stories of many that inspire me, and make me proud to be a part of the Deaf community.
Motion Savvy:
A start-up tech company comprised of students from Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID) took third place at NTID’s ‘Next Big Idea’ competition, and moved out to San Francisco to undertake the task of seeing their vision become a reality.
Motion Savvy’s vision – create real-time sign language translation technology to allow effortless communication between an individual who is signing and a hearing peer.
With a functional prototype already in beta test mode, this company comprised of talented, smart, young leaders are sure to change the future of communication for the Deaf. You’ll be seeing a lot more from them soon!
D-PAN Artists Page:
Yes, I work for D-PAN, but there is no bias here.
I am blessed to be in such a position that allows me to constantly surround myself with talent that inspires me. Everyone on this page, and many, many more talented artists, actors, directors, musicians, photographers, performers have all overcame many challenges, frustrations, and rejection to get where they are and receive worldwide recognition.
These are a group of people that won’t take NO for an answer, and for that I am proud to contribute and acknowledge the many fine folks on this page, and the many that have yet to be shared.
No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie
No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie is the FIRST commercial feature film of its kind, with a Deaf cast of executive producers, directors, and actors.
No Ordinary Hero tells the story of a Deaf actor Tony Kane (played by actor John Maucere) who plays a superhero on TV and looks beyond his cape to influence a Deaf boy to redefine what “being normal” means.
In doing so, he also finds inspiration to transform himself. It highlights successes and struggles that many individuals in the Deaf community deal with on a regular basis that hearing viewers may not be aware of.
With screenings all around the world, this movie will win over both hearing and Deaf audiences.
Mozzeria & Signs
Both these restaurants have quite the buzz, not just because their food is delicious, but Mozzeria is Deaf owned and operated and at Signs restaurant, customers get a rare or unique experience.
While Mozzeria has been around for a few years, a new restaurant Signs, located in Toronto, Canada recently opened.
At Signs guests can order in their native ASL, and if they don’t know the language, menus are provided that teach them signs, and guests interact with a full Deaf wait-staff, bartenders, and chefs.
Both these restaurants cater to many positive reviews, and are doing great things bringing communities together with a common ground – good food.
Keith Nolan
His name has appeared in the news quite a few times in the past couple years, but Keith Nolan is at it again, making his voice, and many others, heard.
Nolan has been actively rallying in support of allowing Deaf to enlist in the military in the United States and become officers.
Individuals with hearing loss are allowed to serve as cadets, but not allowed to rise in rank. There are other countries throughout the world that mandate military service of their citizens and welcome the Deaf, such as Israel.
Through his outspoken efforts, two bills have been filed in congress to propose a demonstration program allowing 15-20 Deaf and hard-of-hearing Americans to receive training to be officers in the U.S. Air Force.
These are just a handful of positive things taking place in our community that we should be sharing and talking about.
The more attention we give to news, events, stories and videos taking place that should be shared, the less we will see of the news we are tired of being passed around.
While some of these stories may be old news to us in the Deaf community, our hearing companions may not be in the loop.
Share this article with your friends and family and start showing them the exciting things we are doing to better the world and bridge the gap between two communities.
Losing his hearing at the age of three never slowed Mark Levin down. Graduating from Columbia College Chicago in 2008 with a B.A. in Arts, Entertainment & Media Management, Mark has an all around passion for the music & entertainment industry. For the past 7 years Mark has worked with Sean Forbes and D-PAN: Deaf Professional Arts Network as a Tour & Event Manager, Assistant Director of Film, Guitarist, and many other roles. He has a passion for inspiring others and changing the worlds perception of the ever growing talents of the Deaf community. To learn more about Mark and see his past work, you can visit his website at www.findingparadiseroad.com
The Limping Chicken is the world’s most popular deaf blog, covering UK news and opinions every weekday.
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- 121 Captions: captioning and speech-to-text services
- Doncaster School for the Deaf: education for Deaf children
- Signworld: online BSL learning and teaching materials
- Exeter Deaf Academy: education for Deaf children
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- Lipspeaker UK: specialist lipspeaking support
- CJ Interpreting: communication support in BSL
- SDHH: Deaf television programmes online
- Sign Solutions:, language and learning
- Sign Lingual: BSL interpreting and communication services
- Action Deafness Communications: sign language and Red Dot online video interpreting
- Hamilton Lodge School in Brighton: education for Deaf children
- RAD: financial advice for Deaf people
- cSeeker: Online booking for communication support
- Krazy Kat: visual theatre with BSL
- Enable Support Services: Supporting Deaf children and adults in Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk
- Sign Language Days: Sign language learning in schools
Clara Wood
October 8, 2014
Great story. I’d love to see another article about Deaf success stories in Britain and Europe.
October 8, 2014
I think it’s incredulous for the deaf community to be “up in arms” about viral stories on the internet that bring attention to the cause, and to the issues that we face.
Sorry, but I while those stories are very positive, none of them deserve to go viral. There are hundreds of great positive stories but none that truly touch the heart of people like deaf people hearing for the first time – those are truly captivating and smile-making moments, no matter how you are feeling. Hearing about a deaf company making a great communication app, that’s brilliant, but so what… how is it any different to a hearing person making a great app?
I think, be happy about the fact the fake interpreter happened, it raised issues on the importance of having registered and trained interpreters at significant events; be thankful for the woman who gets her hearing back, giving hope to the millions that do want to hear; be appreciative of the ice bucket challenge – because when it all dies down (like everything in this world does) you’ll be wondering why the world doesn’t pay attention to our plights and why they could’t care less!
October 8, 2014
I do not understand why the deaf community are “up in arms” about videos that have gone viral!!
Are there really thousands of deafies who are so resentful of those who have found joy in CI’s that they detest their video!?
I cannot imagine blind people resenting others who have become sighted through stem cells. Isn’t it childish? Jealousy is a dreadful emotion to have!
The deaf community should embrace change and accept that not everyone wants to be deaf! Especially those who lose hearing later on. We are not all advocates of sign language, there is a considerable number of deaf people who are not interested in sign language whatsoever and want to speak! They may be very small in number but that does not give the deaf community carte blanche to be “up in arms” about their progress going viral.
It is high time the deaf community accept that we are all different and we all have choices in life and that engenders respect, always. In other words its time to grow up!!