Watch: See Hear’s Access to Work special

Posted on October 24, 2014 by

For a full idea of the effect of the government’s Access to Work changes on Deaf people, you should watch this week’s episode of See Hear without delay.

There’s interviews with Deaf employees, the BDA’s David Buxton, an interpreter, an MP, but shamefully, not the DWP – who are behind these changes.

In the last year it has seen lots of changes directly affecting thousands of deaf people who use the service – with seemingly arbitrary new guidelines introduced then suspended, widely varying settlements for clients, interpreters seeing their maximum hourly rates slashed and claims going unpaid for months on end. Many deaf people are calling for an overhaul, with a government inquiry under way.

There’s a clip below, but you can now find the whole programme on BBC iPlayer at this link:

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Posted in: watch