For a full idea of the effect of the government’s Access to Work changes on Deaf people, you should watch this week’s episode of See Hear without delay.
There’s interviews with Deaf employees, the BDA’s David Buxton, an interpreter, an MP, but shamefully, not the DWP – who are behind these changes.
In the last year it has seen lots of changes directly affecting thousands of deaf people who use the service – with seemingly arbitrary new guidelines introduced then suspended, widely varying settlements for clients, interpreters seeing their maximum hourly rates slashed and claims going unpaid for months on end. Many deaf people are calling for an overhaul, with a government inquiry under way.
There’s a clip below, but you can now find the whole programme on BBC iPlayer at this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mlsw6
October 24, 2014
I just love how Stephen Lloyd says that he is pushing the government to come up with solutions sooner rather than later.
Here’s a reminder for everybody:
Stephen Lloyd IS the government. He’s a Liberal Democrat MP, a member of the party of co-government with the Tories.
As part of the government, Stephen Lloyd is in charge of the very same DWP who are causing all these problems for Deaf people.
Here’s another point: The Tories will take a running dive to endorse the principles of a free market when it suits them and their mates but will then spin around on the spot and reject that very same free market if interpreters have the cheek to even slightly benefit from the high demand for their skills. Not that I believe for a second that claim of earning £100k a year.
The sooner we get rid of this loathsome government – and that includes shampions Stephen Lloyd and Malcolm Bruce – the better.
October 24, 2014
I have just caught up with the See Hear programme, and I think I understand more now.
I have long suspected that the real reason deaf people are suffering at the hands of ATW is not this organisation alone, but as a result of the high charges interpreters demand!
I don’t think it would be going too far to say that terps rates are pricing us out of work and life itself. That is fundamentally wrong!
There really should be a standard limit to interpreting such as “£15 an hour” for example. It is wholly unfair on deaf people to be “hung out to dry” in this fashion, when it is those very same people who taught hearies to sign, and this is how we are repaid!!
It is a scandalous situation and its hardly surprising the Government have brought about a 30 hour rule! Who can blame them when the cost for deafies soars through the roof!
I do not imagine other disabled people cost quite as much as we do, after all when a ramp for a wheelchair is paid for it is a one off cost, but deafies costs goes on and on and on for their whole working life! This is why the rates for interpreters MUST be reduced!! We should also get shot of agents and their fees. Deaf people pay for interpreters only! Freelance should mean exactly that!
The time for interpreters to put deaf people first instead of themselves is long past, never mind their excuses of professionalism, when deafies taught them their language in the first place!!!
October 25, 2014
I love how the government always pulls these random numbers out of thin air. An interpreter would have to be charging £300 a day and working 365 days a year to get close to that money. But what you see instead is interpreters struggling to pay rent and get by because they are owed thousands of pounds by AtW. I am always really disappointed when I see David Buxton talk about interpreters and fees, because in behalf of the BDA, he pushes the lie that everything would be better if only interpreters were cheaper.