To see an English transcript of Lee’s article, read on below the video.
English transcript:
I’m really excited to give this information to people who live in Scotland.
On Thursday 28th October, the MSP, Mark Griffin submitted a BSL (Scotland) Bill for discussion in the Scottish Parliament.
But we shouldn’t sit back and watch what is going on. Mark Griffin needs local MSPs behind him, supporting the Bill.
You all need to tell the MSPs what you want. How can you do this?
By going to www.writetothem.com.
You can put in your postcode, then pick your local MSP, then leave a comment.
If you’re worried about writing in English, ask a friend or interpreter to help. You can write something brief.
Please support Mark Griffin’s BSL Bill (Scotland).
Or you can sign your comment, then put a YouTube link in the comment box.
You could put a note that you are supporting the BSL Scotland Bill.
Or you could ask to meet your MSP in person, and they can book an interpreter.
People need an interpreter for hospital, school, doctor, lots of things. To access life in Scotland.
Brilliant. I hope you all feel as enthusiastic as me, and we are all ready to do this so that we can help the Bill to go through.
Lee Robertson defines himself as a profoundly visual person and believes that the world hasn’t yet tapped into the enormous potential that sign languages have to offer. He was born and bred in Scotland, and now lives in Lancashire.
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Posted on November 6, 2014 by Editor