SignHealth: You have until Sunday to make your opinion count in the new NHS Information Standard (BSL)

Posted on November 7, 2014 by

One of the most important changes there’s ever been to healthcare for Deaf people comes a step closer this weekend, and you only have until Sunday to make sure your voice is heard.

Information Standard from Deaf Health Charity SignHealth on Vimeo.

A rough version of new rules for health workers was published a while ago, and on Sunday they will stop taking comments about it and start to write the finished version of the rules.

SignHealth have been working extremely closely with the NHS as they create the new document called the Information Standard. Our Medical Director Dr Andrew Alexander has met several times with the project author on behalf of the Deaf community. And on behalf of the Deaf community and UCKOD, SignHealth have written a response to the Standard trying to make it even stronger.

Now, it’s over to you.

This is your chance to improve the new Information Standard that will change Deaf access to health and social care information.

Do you want an interpreter present when you see a doctor? If you are diagnosed with an illness, do you want relevant information given to you in BSL? Do you think medical teams should email or text you about your appointments instead of phoning?

If yes, then we urge you to give your feedback about new rules being written for the NHS which they call the Information Standard.

For the first time in the history of the NHS, Deaf access is being seriously considered for all parts of the service. A new Information Standard is in the process of being made, and between now and November 9th, the NHS and SignHealth are asking you to look at the draft standard, and then give your thoughts and opinions about how it can be improved.

SignHealth are proud to be leading on behalf of the Deaf community, through UKCOD, and excited by the changes it promises to bring– we have made the NHS stop and think about Deaf people, we have had the Information Standard draft translated into BSL, and we have organised meetings for Deaf people to ask question and give their feedback– but now it is over to you.

If you feel something is missing from the new Information Standard, now is your time to let the NHS know. If you approve of something that is already in the Information Standard, you should also let them know, otherwise there is a risk it will be removed before the rules are finalised.

You have until November 9th to give your feedback and make access for Deaf people the best it can be. After that, it will be too late to get involved; the final Information Standard will be made.

All information relating to the Information Standard has been translated into BSL.

Please, set aside twenty minutes this weekend and help make the Information Standard the best it can be for you – and for all other Deaf people. Ask your friends and family too.

BSL videos explaining the Information Standard can be found at
Written information can be found at

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