Deaf News: Deaf people in Devon to be given only one hearing aid

Posted on December 5, 2014 by

The Mirror has reported a worrying development in Devon, as cuts to NHS services mean that Deaf people will only be offered one hearing aid from now on.


Patients who are deaf will only be offered one hearing aid instead of two.

The dramatic decision comes as part of a desperate bid to save cash, following the Government’s drive to slash £20billion in health costs by 2015.

NHS patients in Devon who are deaf or suffer from hearing loss will only be allowed one hearing aid instead of two because the local NHS group has decided second hearing aids are not cost effective enough.

Dr Tim Burke, chair of Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group, said “second hearing aids show far lesser cost effectiveness than the first.

The CCG said those who already had two hearing aids would not be asked for them back. Only people applying for hearing aids from 4 December will be restricted to one.

The CCG also said the restriction would not apply to those who are under 18, blind or autistic.

Read the full article here:

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