BBC See Hear recently tracked down a Deaf couple who appeared in a Pathe news video online on their wedding day.
In a BBC News article, series producer William Mager has written about the programme (which aired yesterday and can now be seen in full via the See Hear website) and the moving story they uncovered.
In the summer of 1940, Pathé filmed a marriage between two “deaf and dumb show people” as they are described. After it went online, many deaf people shared it on social media and, curious about such a large wedding with so many signers, speculated as to who the couple were.
In the footage they are both smiling as their family and friends, many from Hull Deaf Club, surround them and fingerspell rapidly to each other. One guest carries a gas mask as the war had just started. It’s a beautiful snapshot of a moment in time.
Read the full article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-ouch-30393438
December 18, 2014
Reading further in the BBC website, what a story….really heartfelt emotions for us 21st century Deaf Community people.
See Hear has finally grabbed the nation’s attention as a Deaf programme who has the same flair as other programmes like Watchdog, going beyond its brief to extract buried truths.
Hoping the son would be discovered, it would be wonderful for all concerned.
Definitely, the couple were sustained by being part of the Deaf Community in spite of their challenges.
Thanks See Hear, a true Christmas gift for all See Hear viewers.