Deaf News: Thieves act deaf to steal iPhones from Essex estate agent

Posted on February 27, 2015 by

A video clip on the BSL Zone site shows gangs in Paris who act Deaf to con money from tourists.

Now it seems the trend of acting deaf in order to commit a crime has spread to the UK too.

The Braintree and Witham times (who’ve unfortunately used the term ‘deaf and mute’ in their article) have reported on an incident in a local estate agency.


Brazen distraction thieves walked into an estate agents and stole an employee’s brand new iPhone 6.

Stuart Bonnett, 26, had only been working for CM Rent in Newland Street, Witham, for a month when two men posing as deaf and mute took the phone from his desk on February 19.

He and his colleague were both busy on their landlines when the men walked in.

The property consultant, from Chelmsford, said: “There were two of them who came in with clipboards to say they were from a deaf and mute charity.

“One kept trying to point at his clipboard and as soon as I looked right, the other guy must have snatched it.

“I am pretty annoyed and shocked because it takes a lot of guts to walk into someone’s work and steal from them.”

Essex Police are appealing for more information.

Call Braintree Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.

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