We’re into the final stages of post production, a time when things start to wind down and you can grab a cheeky five minutes to put your feet up…
We’re all still very much busy bees and probably will be even after the film has it’s première at Deaffest.
So what’s happening right now? Well, this might seem a bit of a minor detail but we’re currently working on sound.
This is essentially a “Deaf film” and at least half of our target audience won’t hear all of the sound in the film, so you might be thinking something along the lines of…
Sure we COULD just cut in the dialogue as it was recorded willy-nilly, then maybe stick a royalty free track here and there, perhaps whack in a sound effect for good measure and be done with it BUT that would be a huge mistake.
I think a lot of people think it’s OK to neglect sound when it comes to Deaf cinema, as if it isn’t important, but it is VERY important.
Firstly, we need to remember that there is a large spectrum of deaf people in the audience and they can all hear/not hear at different levels and frequencies.
So while one person might forgive the fact that there’s the slight hum of an aeroplane in your post apocalyptic drama, it’s going to totally ruin it for the person that can definitely hear it roaring through the sky.
Secondly, we mustn’t forget that hearing people are going to watch and hear our films.
They will be able to pick up on any jumps in the soundtrack, any harsh cuts in the dialogue etc and this will only reduce the quality of the film as a whole.
All that hard work everyone put into visuals will become tainted if you don’t give any attention to the sound design of the film.
So, that’s why for The Quiet Ones, we’re not only working hard in regards to mixing sound but we’re also lucky enough to have a composer create an original score for the film.
Hopefully this will go towards showing that deaf film-makers can still deliver even when it comes to sound and encourage the progression of Deaf cinema into the mainstream industry.
Teresa Garratty is a freelance film maker, photographer and full time cynic. At school, she was voted “Most likely to end up in a lunatic asylum”, a fate which has thus far been avoided. Her pet hates are telephones, intercoms and all living things.
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Posted on March 4, 2015 by Editor