Go see: Subtitled film screenings (with BSL interpreted Q & As) at BFI Flare in London

Posted on March 11, 2015 by

BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival has announced a limited number of priority position tickets set aside for Deaf and hard of hearing BSL users.  The following two films are subtitled in English, and a BSL interpreter will be present on stage for the Q&As after each film.

All screenings take place at BFI Southbank.



A sweltering Argentine summer day serves as the perfect backdrop to a simmering tale of two sisters’ passionate sexual awakenings.

16:10, Saturday 21 March, NFT 2 


Join us (and, we hope, some of the real-life characters) to watch one of the stand-out British films of 2014.

15:30, Saturday 28 March, NFT 1

Tickets can be purchased from the BFI Box Office. Simply quote ‘Access’ when you book by phone: 020 7815 1411 or email: evan.horan@bfi.org.uk.

A full list of subtitled Festival films (without interpreted Q&As) is also available on request.

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