In See Hear’s election special, which aired yesterday on BBC2, legendary Deaf presenter Clive Mason puts politicians under the spotlight in a one hour debate.
There are questions on employment support, education and a variety of other issues, all asked by Deaf people.
Who will you vote for in May? Are any of the political parties clued up on deaf issues? This programme will help you make your mind up.

You can watch this episode here:
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Linda Richards
April 2, 2015
This programme needs to come with a health warning!
April 3, 2015
Or even a defibrillator, Linda.
Rosie Benn
April 3, 2015
I thought Star Ethridge, the UKIP representative was extremely infuriating. There are too many to pinpoint but I will state a few: “I think with any child born with any disability, we want the best that IT can have” (the next sentence continues with the last but I wanted to separate them to show how they both are just ridiculous on their own.)
“however with a deaf child, there needs to be ongoing assessments to see how the deafness… whether it’s total deafness or whether there’s something… there’s something there”.
The next one is just… : “and if there is, maybe some cochlea implants- done early”. Okay Star, if you want to go on a deaf programme and be respected, please be much more informed before you go off spouting one of the biggest debates in the deaf community like you know what’s best for us all.
“Lots of speech therapy and… lots of signing” Okay now you’re just embarrassing yourself.
I can’t be the only one who found this extremely annoying?
April 3, 2015
I have just watched the programme now and surprise surprise they havent changed my mind on who to vote for!!!
April 5, 2015
Was initially disappointed not to see a wider selection of parties in debate but this was covered later in the show thankfully and gave broader view of the different parties and their individual policies. I really enjoyed the programme and it was very enlightening as to the state of politics, what is important for Deaf people and the stance of each parties in regards to Deafness. Some parties came across extremely well and their awareness of Deaf people’s needs politically sound.
April 7, 2015
I have