Look: At photographer Bethany Davies’ photos of life at home with her deaf parents

Posted on May 13, 2015 by

One of our readers called Bethany Davies, recently got in touch with details of a photography project she has completed, featuring photographs of her Deaf parents.

Bethany, who is hearing, is in her final year of university at the University Centre at Blackburn College, and gave her project the title ‘Seen and not hearing: The parent project.’

The photos show her father taking a hearing test, preparing for a job interview, and her mother enjoying music. We also see images of objects linked to deafness around the house.

You can see a statement from Bethany below this gallery of her photographs (click on them to enlarge).

Bethany says:

Growing up with my profoundly deaf and hard of hearing parents means that the subject of deafness is one that is close to my heart and a big part of my life.

I was inspired to create this series of images due to my opinion that the subject of deafness is something which is largely misunderstood or overlooked.

I wanted to produce something that would raise awareness and contribute to helping break down the barriers that D/deaf people often face on a daily basis.

As deafness is largely invisible, I wanted to challenge myself to capture the essence of deaf life that many hearing people are not aware of.

Although I wasn’t expecting it, taking some of these images was an emotional experience – primarily, the one that shows my dad preparing for a job interview after a few months of being unemployed, due to facing discrimination issues.

However, I felt it was important to include aspects like this in my work, to give an honest representation of how a hearing impairment can affect your life, both positively and negatively.

The images were taken between November 2014 and January 2015 as part of my university course, but looking back on this; I would definitely consider continuing, developing and expanding the project by photographing subjects beyond my own parents and family home.

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