Update: After an amazing response, the man had an interpreter for the funeral today: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/interpreter_found_for_deaf_norwich_man_ahead_of_his_father_s_funeral_1_4109681
It’s been reported by the Eastern Daily Press that a Deaf man from Norwich is without an interpreter for his father’s funeral tomorrow.
David Hall, of St Paul’s Close, Hellesdon, has not been able to find a translator and faces sitting in church not knowing what is being said.
He contacted charity Deaf Connexions in Norwich last week but they were not able to provide him with an interpreter at such short notice.
David, whose father Roy Hall died aged 76 after a three-year battle with lymphoma, said: “It hurts me to hear the news that no one is available for my father’s funeral.
“I won’t be able to hear or follow the service. I have tried to find interpreters from somewhere else but most of them are many miles away from Norwich.
“I also have some deaf friends coming to the service who want to pay their respects.”
The service is at 10am on Friday at St Mary’s Church, on Low Road, Hellesdon.
Sue Moore, manager of Deaf Connexions, said there was a shortage of interpreters nationally.
She said: “There are around 500 sign-language users in Norfolk and only seven registered interpreters.
“Unfortunately we didn’t have anyone out available, but there are people out there who might be able to help David.”
•If you are an interpreter who can help or know someone who can please email nicholas.carding@archant.co.uk
With thanks to Rebecca Atkinson for alerting us to this story.
June 11, 2015
In one word that is “SICK” …..cruel and demeaning for us……I also attended many funeral not having the right communication support asking the CHURCH what is their responsibilities yes “them” what is their fecking “care of duty”…..dumb ass and double standard preachers… and its them they often fails us including the non domination…enough said but I do hope he will recover from this indignity. Interpreters service still fails us.
June 12, 2015
People who request skilled BSL access in church / Christian events could contact Signs of God; it has an UK-wide Christian Interpreters” Network (CIN).
Enquires could be sent to:
Please do keep those links when the need arises.
Feedback by Deaf individuals, relatives / friends, Deaf people, has been positive, in several instances there was appreciative amazement at seeing high standards of dignity and relevance in BSL during services and events, making the occasion meaningful and inclusive.
It is also acknowledged that in many regions, increasing challenges of meeting every request this year are causing gaps to access in other areas of Deaf people’s lives.
Clearly, there is increasing demand for BSL interpreters in all aspects of Deaf lives nowadays.
Hope access gets provided in this Norfolk instance today.
June 12, 2015
This sad story is of no surprise to me. I have known for donkeys years that hundreds of events and occasions are totally inaccessible to deaf people. I do not believe we will ever resolve this problem, not least because Interpreters are far too expensive for everyday events and occasional events like funerals. Who pays for them? Can deaf individuals afford it? Can churches afford it? Do they have contingency funds? Nobody does really.
I do hope this man found an Interpreter in time as the funeral is today and the church service would be over by now. It is a tragic state of affairs that deaf lives are being led further and further back due to economic constraints and Market Forces. In the current economic climate Interpreters want to leave the profession! How sad is that? Are they showing their true colours? Only in the job for the pay and not for the Deaf Community?!? How can they think of leaving when there is already a chronic shortage of them?!?! Iam truly baffled………..