There was great news for UK Deaf filmmaking on Saturday night, as it was announced that director Bim Ajadi and actress Caroline Parker had each won one of the awards at France’s prestigious Clin d’Oeil International Deaf Arts Festival.
Bim Ajadi won Best Director for his short film ‘4’, while Caroline Parker won Best Actress for her starring role in ‘If I Don’t Lose, I’ll Lose,’ which was directed by Jean St Clair.
Both films can be seen in full via the BSL Zone website, by clicking on the links below:
4 – http://www.bslzone.co.uk/watch/4/
If I Don’t Lose, I’ll Lose – http://www.bslzone.co.uk/watch/zoom-2014-if-i-dont-lose-ill-lose/
Posted in: watch
Posted on July 6, 2015 by Editor