Go See: World Deaf Tennis Championships in Nottingham, 20th – 26th July

Posted on July 14, 2015 by

There’s a unique opportunity to go and see the world’s best deaf tennis players in action in Nottingham next week, with the World Deaf Tennis Championships taking place at Nottingham Tennis Centre.

The event is organised by the tennis foundation, and features not only the men’s and women’s tournament, but also the junior tournament too.

Tickets for the event are just £5, and you can get them from the website, by clicking here. (You can also see a signed video on this page)

The competitors include Germany’s world number 1 female deaf tennis player, Heike Albrecht, and Hungary’s world number 2 Gabor Mathe. You can also see GB Deaf tennis players such as Lewis Fletcher.


Plus, on Saturday 25th July, you can try tennis for free, and also get tips from the world’s best deaf tennis players. You can pre-register on the website and sign up the whole family.

Don’t miss it!

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Posted in: deaf news, go see