Recently, we’ve been alerted to the first webseries in Spanish sign language, “Look at me when I talk”, which was shown at Deaffest 2015 and is also online (see links below) with English subtitles.
We thought we’d find out more about how it was made from Patricia Fernández and the rest of the team. Read on…
Where did the idea come from?
The series director is the son of deaf parents and has also spent several years working in TV production. The idea of not being able to sit with his parents to watch programmes saddened him.
Also, every time they watched something, there were constant interruptions such as:
– Father: What are they saying?
– The son of deaf parents: Wait, wait …
– Father deaf (with face intrigue): But what is going on?
– The son of deaf parents: Wait, wait…
– Father deaf impatient: But why are they doing that?
– The son of deaf parents: The girlfriend has cheated on him.
– Father dull-faced doubt: But that’s very short … what happened before?
Hence the idea for the first webseries in Spanish sign language: ‘Look at me when I talk. It’s a series that deaf and hearing people can sit and enjoy together. There is also full subtitles and voiceover.
How did the filming go?
On the set of the first season had a crew of 40 deaf people, all working selflessly to make known to the world that they are as important as hearing people, and that once and for all hearing people know that when two deaf people communicate, which many call “the language of the deaf”, they do so through a language with its own structure with its own identity, a language known in Spain since 2007, Spanish Sign Language.
How is it funded?
The first season was made altruistically in every way. The recording was made in the director’s home, and all the major actors, supporting actors and extras took part voluntarily.
Screenplay, editing, post production, dubbing, subtitling – everyone has done all of this for free.
Now the second season is underway we are looking for funding and we are finding small contributions by parties from different companies. We think that maybe we’re not knocking on the right doors, but keep fighting and we finally we’ll succeed!
How it was subtitled in English?
Our goal is that everyone knows the project and can copy the format, so that sign language has visibility. We have subtitled the series in several languages: Galician, Castilian and English. We’ve used skilled people with a specialty of subtitling and audio description.
How happy are you with the final series?
All the team are very happy for the success of the first season as Idendeaf was created two years ago and its evolution has been very rapid.
For us, all this evolution, it just means we have to keep fighting to create more content in sign language. All the encouragement we receive gives us strength to continue working.
How can people see it?
You can follow all the news from the show through our social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and check out our website.
Here are the links to all of our chapters of the first season:
Chapter 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfqbDXDl7FA
Chapter 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoBpFrvB4Y
Chapter 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-dVtkuatjg
Chapter 4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBOffA_9LjI
Chapter 5 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXGSWP_H9CQ
Chapter 6 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBzy2utnW70
Chapter 7 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIeVm4hkzuQ
Chapter 8 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh9-g256XQA
Chapter 9 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aKbC-GMtBo
Chapter 10 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFuZoS891es
Chapter 11 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nPEdmy0Okk
Chapter 12 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGKKtg0xM6s
Chapter 13 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYY0tCTYAug
Remember that it is the first series in Spanish sign language accessible to everybody (has dubbed voice and subtitles in several languages)
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Posted on July 16, 2015 by Editor