Recently, we were sent a funny blog by a couple called Verity and Scott, who write about their mixed hearing and deaf relationship (Verity is hearing, and Scott is deaf). Here’s there first post, and there’s more to come later this week…
So here is the beginning of my blog that I have been raving about SO much! So here goes…
…My name is Verity and my blog is all about my relationship with my very handsome fiance Scott. It focuses on the FUNNY side of us. I have emphasized the word FUNNY because my blog shows the comical side of our hearing (me) and deaf (Scott) relationship.
There are many, many important stories, articles and posts in the media about how hearing people should be communicating with d/Deaf people and why d/Deaf people are SOoooooooooooooo annoying (I’m not laughing, I promise) but I have yet to come across anything FUNNY about a couple who are d/Deaf and hearing.
d/Deaf people are FUNNY and so are hearing people. Put them together and you’ve got yourself a comedy act, well, maybe not but we do have a sense of humour so it’s not all bad.
Just to clarify once more, my blog is purely for people who have a sense of humour and can see the FUNNY side of our relationship. Enjoy!!
Verity works as a Support Worker for people with a single/dual sensory loss (d/Deaf, blind, d/Deafblind) and her family are all hearing. Scott is hard of hearing, works as a Furniture Maker and has mixed d/Deaf and hearing family. They have been together for 4 years, engaged for 1 year and their wedding is next year. They say: “We have written a blog about the funny side of our d/Deaf and hearing relationship and we hope you enjoy reading it!” Read it here.
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K. Willsen
August 6, 2015
Looking forward to your posts. Sounds a bit like “That Deaf Guy”, in blog posts instead of a webcomic. This strip, for example: http://www.thatdeafguy.com/?p=125