Meet: Bim Ajadi, Deaf filmmaker who is teaching at the See Hear Sign Language Weekend

Posted on September 29, 2015 by

What are you doing at the Sign Language Weekend?

I will be teaching a 2-day filmmaking workshop to aspiring deaf film makers.

In the workshop, people will be taught the basics of what is expected of a typical BBC Assistant Producer – this will entail script writing, shooting and editing their own short film.

The participants will have the opportunity to partake in the 90 Second Short Film Challenge.  It will very much be a hands on process where they will learn and develop through working together as a team.

I am excited to see what the filmmakers come up with and how they rise to the challenge within such a short time frame. I enjoy meeting and working with new talent and I look forward to hearing their ideas and seeing their skills grow throughout the weekend.

BimWhat made you first start making films?

I had worked within television for a few years, mainly as an editor. It was only after shadowing a director on a mainstream film set that I was inspired to start making my own films.

I realised the potential within film making to be able to bring deaf stories to life. I wanted to share those stories visually and showcase them both for deaf and hearing audiences.

Back when I first started producing films, there were few deaf people within the media industry and I saw this gap as an opportunity for me to inspire and promote deaf talent on screen.

 What do you think the biggest challenges for deaf filmmakers are?

Once I’ve found a unique story I want to tell, one of the biggest challenges for me, is finding a good writer to hone that story into a film script.

I have ideas, creative vision and know what I went to say, but my forte is not writing those ideas into a script. It’s not easy to source a writer who is on the same page as me and can also capture the nuances of deaf characters.

Another challenge as a deaf filmmaker is often feeling the need to convince hearing clients that I’m as good as any hearing filmmaker within the industry, before they will employ me.

Although this constant drive to prove myself can be exhausting, I also believe it has made me stronger and even more dedicated to produce high quality films, which both deaf and hearing audiences can enjoy.

What are your aims in the future?

I would love to carry on working within the media industry for as long as it will have me and for as long as I have stories I want to tell.

I would like to, at some point in my career, be fortunate enough to direct a feature film. One of my dreams would be to direct a deaf musical – maybe that could be my feature film?!!

Find out more about the See Hear Sign Language Weekend here:

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