Deaf News: Deaf couple accused of scamming £240,000 in fake Access to Work claims

Posted on October 23, 2015 by

Extract from STV News:

A deaf couple are to stand trial accused of scamming almost £240,000 in tax payers’ money by faking claims for sign language interpreters.

Andrew and Caroline Thomson, who run an online service for deaf people, are alleged to have carried out the fraud for four years.

The Crown alleges they submitted bogus claims for sign language interpreters that they did not need, including one for a trip to Las Vegas, and employed their own company to supply them.

The married couple, of Stephens Croft, New Carron, Falkirk, are said to have formed the scheme to obtain funding, which they were not entitled to, in order to pay for British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters under the Government’s Access to Work Scheme.

Read the full story here:

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